Herniated Disc L4/L5 the story continues?!

Question: Herniated Disc L4/L5 the story continues.?
My last option was surgery and I saw two surgeons one NHS and the other private. Both have advised surgery, my cousin is a physio and very anti surgery but he said its your only option.
If I go food shopping I can't push a trolley around, I've also start to use crutches if I walk a long way. If I'm on my legs to much the shooting pain that goes up my legs is terrible, my right foot starts to shake and I get very stressed. I'm house bound and don't go out much, I now know my limitations and I'm also getting on with the daily pain. I go to bed in pain and I wake up in pain, my buttocks feel like they have been hit with a stick in mornings. My legs have got thin and there are now indents at the sides of my buttocks. My last steroid injection has helped and I can now bend but I have to put my knees together to do this. Moving about in the shower, shaving, cleaning teeth over a sink, who would of thought that would be so painful. I have to take a chance with surgery and I can not live like this as its taking over my life. If the operation does not work and I know the odds, I have tried my best and I'm sure the surgeon has to. I know now there will be a long road to recovery but that's another chapter..........Many thanks for all your input.Health Question & Answer

I am not sure what you are looking for. If there is a question in the statement I am not sure what it is. There is no mention of what has been tried in the past. So basing my answer strictly on what information has been given. The atrophy and loss of muscle function make you a candidate for a surgical intervention. The odds of success in this are fifty percent as has most likely been told to you. The long term success is no better than having not had the surgery. Unfortunately you are in one of those spots where there are just not good options. I wish you the best in results after the procedure. You are going to need a lot of therapy to regain the loss of muscle mass and function. You also didn't state what procedure was going to be done. Are they fusing anything. Fusing of the spine leads to more problems down the road but at times there is no other option. Talk with your cousin about your options if there are any. Get as strong physically as possible before the procedure and work like crazy after wards. The stronger you get the better things will be in the long run. If you are overweight then loss as much as you can for every pound over exerts a force on the lower back by ten. No matter what road you choose the path is going to be hard. Best of luck to you!Health Question & Answer

My hubby and I live in the USA and from some of the words you use I take it that you don't. Anyway he had the same problem in the same area and has two surgeries. The first was a success but the second was useless cause the doc took out to much of the bone. You probably do need the surgery if the disc is ruptured and then hopefully you will be better. You will never be the same and will always have to be careful not to injure that part of your back again. I know how much it hurts because I have degenerative back disease and some days its all I can do to get to the bathroom and back to bed. I can not be operated on for my particular problem but if I had that option then I would take it. Good luck my dear and remember your not alone in suffering with severe, chronic back pain. Pain meds are helpful with the difficult times but here in VA the doctors are very tight with it. It drives me crazy sometimes and my grown kids get me pain meds from others who get it from broken bones or severe headaches or even tummy pains. But I'll take what I can get when I can get it. Narcotics can be used occasionally but be careful not to become dependent. They should only be used when the pain is unbearable and now after the surgery don't get hooked on them even if they give you any. Most of the time its not enough to worry about darlin. Bless your heart I'm very sorry you or anyone has to suffer so. I hope you have a good caregiver after the operation and if you don't I hope you can hire someone to help for a couple of weeks at least. Health Question & Answer

Have had this surgery on L4S5 disc.It took a while to get over it but i now have almost no pain although some sciaticia now and again.I still have to be carefull but am so much better pain wise.I was terrified of the surgery as i had been told i could wind up in a wheelchair if it went wrong but i screwed up the courage as i couldn't stand the pain any longer and have had no regrets.I have a 20% permanent disability as a result of my back injury but this is really only enough to slow me down and keep me cautious and be sensible with liftingetc.Good luck am sure it will turn out for the best and the op itself is not that bad pain wise another friend who has also had the surgery successfully described it to me as a feeling that your backside has been nailed to the floor when you first stand up..we laughed ...but he was right!!Health Question & Answer

Finally someone who knows what i'm feeling. The docs don't know whats wong with me though but i have the same symptoms as you and they know its caused by L4/L5 on my spinal cord. They are thinking of giving me an operation to decompress my spine but i think it's a bit dangerous but i know i cannot go on like this. I am in crutches now too as i can barely walk without them now. I am on morphine patches for the pain though b ut it still isn't a great deal of help. Good luck with your operation.Health Question & Answer

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