Drinking while taking acid reducers?!

Question: Drinking while taking acid reducers.?
I'm 22, male an I have acid reflux, an i take over the counter acid reducers for it almost daily. Alcohol and pot seem to worsen it and i sometimes throw up. I drink about once a week sometimes just once every 2 weeks an i smoke pot daily. I know its ok to smoke pot while taking it, because I've been doing it for the past 3 months an it doesn't seem to bother me. But can i drink while taking it.? An will it effectively work if i drink.? I usually only drink about 8-10 beers within like a 3 or 4 hour period.Health Question & Answer

Hello, you Manly Man! lol First, read the box of the acid reducers you're taking and see if it says not to drink alcohol. If you don't have the box, call any pharmacist and they will give you the correct answer. Pharmacists are SO smart, kind, and helpful.

Second, Man, you shouldn't be living on over the counter acid reducers. I know going to the doctor is a drag, but you must. You might have an ulcer. Otherwise, the doctor will give you the correct medicine for you. Please don't blow me off. You only live once, and you could be ruining your health. OK.? Good! :)Health Question & Answer

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