I Feel So Flu-ey! Please Help..!?!

Question: I Feel So Flu-ey! Please Help..!.?
Ouch! I feel soooooo ill..! What can I doo.?.?.?

I work in a Nursery and I think I caught the flu from one of the little ones..please help..I have college tmro..have to be well..got a presentation to lead! xxxxHealth Question & Answer

The joys of working with Children!!!!! I have the same prob I work as a teaching assistant and have a rotten cold and feel very fluey at the moment im just replying on beechams cold and flu plenty of rest in the eve after work and nice warm baths.

As for your presentation explain to Your tutor your not well but will still lead it but if she knows your not well she/he will know why your not up to your usual standard. Good luck. The beechams should ease your symptoms for a while and should help you present better.

Sorry to say but when you work with children as I have discovered it takes along time for your immune system to build up again it changes all the time. I have just started with reception and yet again im catching everything flying about. Health Question & Answer

None of us is indispensable. Take the time off if your flu is genuine. Otherwise you may lead yourself into worse, longer-lasting illness. Not to mention infecting others in class, just as you have found for yourself. Government advice is to take the time off, which helps to avoid epidemics.Health Question & Answer

Hii there, here are a few things that might help you get better:
- drink lots of fluids - water or tea would be best
- keep yourself warm, wear lots of clothing and give your feet a hot bath
- take some aspirin / ibuprofen / paracetamol
- eat well, try eating lots of fruit, citruses are very good - if you cant find any oranges or grapefruits, take one or two tablets of vitamin C
- get lots of sleep!
Hope you get well soon =/Health Question & Answer

fresh orange for the vitamin c, and the fluid

paracetamol to keep fever down, unless ur allergic that is, then i wouldn't recommend it. those hot lemon paracetamol drinks are good

honey is a good natural thing for colds, and get some rest

and i hope you feel better soon take careHealth Question & Answer

Take a paracetamol tablet and a warm bath followed by a hot drink then tuck into bed and apply Vick's vaporub on your chest and neck. you will feel the difference in the morning.Health Question & Answer

Take loads of vitamin C and eat a load of protein. I find the quickest cure for flu is egg sandwiches with onion and tomato. Laugh if you will but it's so effective.Health Question & Answer

If its flu...then bed rest and lots of fluids are all thats going to happen for the next week.

If its just a bad cold, paracetamol, lots of fluids, vit c, fish oil, fruit/veg and rest. Health Question & Answer

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