I want to hurt myself just to see if there is a pain worse than how i feel?!

Question: I want to hurt myself just to see if there is a pain worse than how i feel.?
I feel like doing anything to myself just to see if there is a pain that is worse than how i feel on the inside.... what do you do when you feel this way.? i just feel like dying...Health Question & Answer

I write.

When I'm angry or depressed or frustrated, or any of those negative emotions, I just write and write and write, and get all that emotion down onto paper.

Feelings are temporary, and what seems like the end of the world now will just be an uncomfortable memory at some later date.

So express your feelings in art. Write or paint, play an instrument, write a sad song, sculpt or whatever else you can do give yourself an outlet for these negative emotions and feeling. Don't let them take over who you are though, and always try to remember that tomorrow is a different day.Health Question & Answer

I don't think hurting yourself is the solution to your problem, because then you will just have more pain and problems.

When I feel sad, I watch a comedy or something light and fun.
Or, I read a book, exercise, or talk to a friend or family member.

I definitely recommend talking to someone in person or over the phone. That always brings things in perspective for me. Sometimes the problems that seem so important are minor in the big scheme of things. Even if they are important, it's always easier having someone by my side. Health Question & Answer

New pain. Old pain. Pain is pain.

Question is what are you going to do about it.? Now is the time you need to talk to someone. If someone hurt you then you need to talk to someone they DON'T know. Many communities have 211 or some other hot line for help with a lot of different issues. If your town doesn't then maybe there are teachers, preachers, or counselors that you could talk things over with. I know it sounds strange but police officers are actually people that can listen and help if you give them a chance.

Find somebody, open up and be honest. Health Question & Answer

dont hurt yourself or do anything you might regret. it always will get worse before it gets better.Health Question & Answer

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