Shoulder replacement?!

Question: Shoulder replacement.?
just had a -1/2 replacement -my Physical Therapist swore what I was doing was not going to harm me -something popped the other day at PT and now I may need a whole new procedure -i don't think i can take another -this will be 3 in 4 years -they are painful and the rehab is unreliable -I don't/can't go back to the world of pain I was living in .Health Question & Answer

Popping during range of motion is not can be because of scar tissue or a gas bubble popping, etc. How do you know you need a new surgery.? Has this been confirmed by the surgeon.? If so, what in particular did he/she say.? Dislocation would certainly imply that either the shoulder was not that stable or that the rehab could have been too aggressive.

I've seen a couple people have to go for shoulder revision...usually it's someone who had a hemiarthroplasty (like you) who really should have had a total shoulder arthroplasty in the first these cases, it's not the fault of's simply a procedure that was poorly chosen.

However, I would obtain a copy of your rehab records and see if the physician's orders were followed...if not, I would seek legal counsel, if that is your intention. I worked with an OT who was seeing someone after TSA one time and she was stretching the patient in an unusual position (plus is was unusual because she was already receiving PT for this and the OT should have been working on other things) and the patient's shoulder dislocated. The patient did seek legal action against the OT.

Of the three major joint replacements (hip, knee, shoulder)...the shoulder is the hardest to recover from and many people never regain overhead function...but their pain is often relieved from the procedure.

Best wishes to you. Health Question & Answer

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