Is this pain from physical therapy?!

Question: Is this pain from physical therapy.?
Two weeks ago, I tore my ACL and MCL. I will have surgery in three weeks for the ACL, but the doctor wants to let the MCL heal first. I have been doing physical therapy for a week now and gradually, my leg has started to ache. Now the pain is excruciating. I'm fine if I am laying down, but if I stand upright, no weight on my leg, or even sit upright with my leg more vertical, it hurts a lot. I'm taking Panlor SS, and that helps a little, but the pain is not completely gone.

What's funny is that my leg didn't hurt like this even immediately after the injury. Why is it hurting so much now.? Is it the therapy.? Or is it my leg trying to heal.? Is it something with my veins.? What should I do about it.?Health Question & Answer

Check with the physical therapist and ask why the increase in pain. More than likely it is the anterior cruciate ligament that is causing this escalation of pain. The medial collateral ligament is going to be painful also but it is the ACL that will cause the most pain. If the explanation given by the therapist doesn't seem correct to you then call the orthopedist. Use ice on the knee for fifteen to twenty minutes per hour. Follow the directions given by the therapist and orthopedist. Any questions should be directed at the therapist first as they are seeing you more than the doctor. Again if you are not comfortable with the answers you are getting from them then by all means talk to the doctor.Health Question & Answer

since you seem to be under doctors care ask themHealth Question & Answer

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