What's the best thing to do when you sprain your ankle?!

Question: What's the best thing to do when you sprain your ankle.?
I went to a haunted house earlier and the floor was uneven and my fiancee grabbed onto me and I fell and sprained me ankle. It's just a little swollen and I already put some ice on it for a little bit. I was just wondering if there was anything else I could do.? It's killing me to walk on it so I figured I'd just stay here in bed.Health Question & Answer

You're doing it. Ice it for about 20 minutes an hour and keep it elevated (slightly).
Take some Ibuprofen for any inflammation and take it easy. Other than that there is not much else you can do.Health Question & Answer

stay off it as much as you can for a day or two then wrap it up good with an ace or something and wear (if you have them) high tops-like basketball tennis. I myself hate ice!!!!!!!! I try to prop it up some also. I have very weak ankles myself and have as far back as I can remember and am now over 30. I rest it right after,prop it up, if someone is with me (like my dad or mom someone who knows about my ankles) I use ice, I take over the counter pain stuff, then the next time that I need to get up and do something real...not just go to the bathroom,etc...I wrap it up and get out my high tops.
ice will also help with any brusing, a little and swelling too. I've just dealt with it so long now that I don't really care about the color and only care how big it is when I can't wear my hightops. Health Question & Answer

tell me you didn't use ice first. you are suppose to use heat, then ice. then a comfortable bandage..not too tight as this could cause swelling. keep it elevated for a few hours and take a few advil. if its not better within 48 hours you may need to go to the doctor and get a nsaid. those are prescription pain pills like advil/naproxin with an anti-inflammatory in them.Health Question & Answer

R I C E method - Rest the injured limb until pain has decreased, Ice the swelling to reduce inflammation, Compress with elastic bandage starting from the point furthest from the heart towards the heart and Elevate the injured limb above the heart to allow gravity to reduce the swelling.Health Question & Answer

rest it and don,t put pressure on it . Borrow some crutches from any hospital or go to a doctors for some . There is no cure you just have to wait till your body heals it in a couple of weeks.Health Question & Answer

Ice on and off, elevate, strap it up with and ace bandage and don't walk around for a few days.Health Question & Answer

what haunted house.?

sorry all i know is the ice thing...

hope you feel better soon.Health Question & Answer

Bandage it to support it , and see your doctor.Health Question & Answer

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