Are fallen arches flat feet?!

Question: Are fallen arches flat feet.?
I was looking up stress fractures on web md, and this is what I found:

Any anatomical abnormalities -- like fallen arches -- can distribute stress unequally through the feet and legs. This raises the risk of stress fractures. So can poor-quality equipment, like worn-out running shoes.

I have extremely flat I'm guessing that's what fallen arches are.?.?Health Question & Answer

Fallen arches sounds more like what happens to mickey d's when they go bankrupt. But back to the question, fallen arches is more a term closer related to people who have a normal arch in their feet in a non weight bearing position (not standing on their feet) but as soon as they weight bear the foot arch collapses or falls. In your case, if your feet are extremely flat, you might have no arch to even talk about, so no your dont have fallen arches, you have no arches. Personally I think a better way of defining stress fractures is repeatitive motion disorder or abnormal force applied to bone, where biomechanic and anatomical abnormalities can contribute to it. It is more of a general term where the cortex of the bone is intact but on x ray you will see a periosteal reaction surrounding it.Health Question & Answer

yes, you have the term flat feet and it is very common. If you stand barefoot you will notice that your feet cave in and you have no arch. It can be seen easily when walking barefeet, your feet will again cave in. These can develope into a nagging injury unless you correct it right away. Because your ankle is caving in, your ankle joint will grind because it is not allined properly and your feet do not have the propper support. The grinding will cause inflamation. The best thing to do is to get custom orthodics from a foot specialist or to buy motion control shoes which have built up arch support to "guide" your foot in the proper motion. Health Question & Answer

Technically, the term fallen arches refers to the falling of he arches of the feet. One's arches could fall at any time throughout one's lifespan for a variety of reasons, some being wearing shoes which lack adequate arch support or walking barefoot (especially on even surfaces) frequently, gaining weight too rapidly in a short amount of time, as a result of an injury just to name a few. Now, flat feet is when one has little to no arches since birth. The arches of the feet usually develop during the third or fourth year of life. By the way, if you'd like help correcting your flat feet, contact me: Question & Answer

yes you do: i have flat feet and ive done everything i could thinjk of to raise them up. i had to get a bone density scan on my legs because ive been running for so long with themHealth Question & Answer

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