How do you get rid of a nose bleed?!

Question: How do you get rid of a nose bleed.?
ok my nose is bleeding and im laying down but its going to my throat so how can i get rid of it.?

dsoory fpr my spelling i dont want blood in the boars
its been 8 minutes andit happended for no reason
but i get them often Health Question & Answer

Don't lie down. Sit up and tilt your head forwards. That will keep you from swallowing blood.
Pinch the fleshy part of your nose firmly and hold it for 5 minutes.
That should stop the bleeding.
If it doesn't, pinch for another 5 minutes. If it's still bleeding after that, you should phone your doctor.Health Question & Answer

Stick a tamopn up it. I know that sounds totally disgusting, but it works lol Just Kidding
I think it's not necessary to write regarding the cause of nose bleeds. Although most of the doctors suggest dislocation of septum i,e bone at the small separation between the two nostrils is a cause of nosebleed and only the permanent solution for stopping nose bleed is a major operation for correcting this bone, as per my findings through a study of different informations, nosebleeds can be controlled with the following simple steps

During the Nose Bleed

Thumbs Up Method

1. Stay calm, slowly taking deep breaths.

2. With your hand (same hand as the bleeding nostril,) make a 'thumbs up' sign.

3. Press your thumb against your nostril's side, not so hard that it hurts, but firmly

enough to flatten the nostril.

4. Stay still, leaning forward slightly.

5. Stay in place for 5-10 minutes, breathing normally.

6. Slowly release the pressure; it may feel a bit weird as the blood flows back into your

nasal vessels.

Pinching Method

1. Pinch your nose just below the bridge. There is a vein just below the nose bone that is the culprit in 99% of bloody noses. Pinching puts pressure on it, which arrests the bleeding and speeds the clotting process.

2. Find a bathroom as you continue pinching. Now that you have slowed the bleeding by pinching, you should find a bathroom where you can clean up once the bleeding has stopped.

3. Keep applying pressure for at least 5 minutes at a time. Don't check to see if it is still bleeding over this period of time as it is important to keep continuous pressure. After this period of time let go briefly to see if the bleeding has stopped. If not, give it another 5 minutes. (This is also a good time to quickly wash any blood off your hands and get a paper towel or toilet paper to pinch with so that blood gets on the paper and not your hand.) If it is, continue pinching. Don't check every 30 seconds, as the key is constant pressure.

Pressure Method

1. Find the two very slight depressions on the back of the skull, approximately four finger-widths from the base of the skull (in line with the tops of the ears) and four finger-widths from the mid-line of the back of the skull. If you had eyes in the back of your head, this is where they would be.

2. Press the spots firmly, but gently, and if you have connected correctly, the bleeding should stop immediately. Keep up the pressure for about five minutes and then release. If the bleeding starts again, just repeat the process, but hold it longer: you may have to keep up the pressure for ten to fifteen minutes to stop it completely.

Upper Lip Method

1. Roll up a piece of gauze or tissue into a "cigar shape" approximately 2 inches long and a little thicker than a pencil. Folding it into a small, thick square also works well.

2. Wedge the tissue under your upper lip where it's tight and close your lip over it.

3. Apply light pressure by compressing your lip over the wad. Tilt your head forward.


1. The green leafy vegetables are a source of Vitamin K, which is needed in trace amounts to help blood to clot. This Vitamin is needed in such small amounts that it's difficult to find it made in tablets all by itself. You need to eat green leafy vegetables regularly.

2. Taking ONE 1000 milligram Vitamin C tablet and ONE cayenne pepper capsule each day with your largest meal, and stay at that dose until you feel comfortable and have regular, normal bowel movements. Remember to drink lots of water at least 20 minutes before your meal, and also after about an hour after your meal. It's best not to drink a lot of water with your meal, as this will dilute your digestive juices and make digestion more difficult--unless, of course, you are severely dehydrated.


It is not common practice for doctors to check patients with a history of epistaxis for genetic disorders, vitamin K deficiencies and/or blood vessel constriction etc. However, these would all be highly logical possible causes to consider and evaluate in patients. Otherwise it will be an undiagnosed nose bleeds. Health Question & Answer

Just sit still, and dont move around, or get stressed out, because you dont want ure blood pressure going up even more! Don't tilt ure head bake! its the worst thing to do! Just apply SLIGHT pressure to it!

GOOD LUCK!! =DHealth Question & Answer

ice pack!!! dont tilt your head back, all you will be doing is swallowing blood, ice will constrict your blood vessels and slow down and eventually stop the bleedingHealth Question & Answer

Put an ice pack on your nose. If you don't have one, put some crushed ice in a plastic bag and cover it with a cloth.Health Question & Answer

Lay down and put a penny on your forehead.Health Question & Answer


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