Anxiety and panic attacks.?!

Question: Anxiety and panic attacks..?
i wanna speak and know from anyone else that suffers from panic attacks and generalize anxiety disorder. i hate the fact that my symptoms go on and off and i dont know whether something is truly wrong. ive had checks cat scans and ecgs all were good. i just wanna know from people that have gone through it all and help me what its like to recover and such. i did have a period for a few months where i had it in control and then it just blew out of proportion. anyone that has been through it know how irrating the symptoms such as dizzyness, chesty pains i often think omg something wrong with my heart and such. its just so frustrating i just wanna live my life.Health Question & Answer

i have them too... they started when i was in college (i just graduated). i used to get mine at night while i was sleeping (still do sometimes). i've done the whole cat scan/ecg routine and came back fine as well. they are incredibly frustrating b/c you never know when you're going to have one, and when you do, you never know why you're having one. i always feel like everyone is staring at me thinking i'm crazy, so i usually go for a walk outside until it subsides. fresh air, water, crackers, and chocolate always seem to help me during a panic attack. my hands get stiff and i can't move my fingers so i'll usually just walk around the parking lot shaking my hands, trying to drink water, and talking to myself like a psycho! :) but you can't help it - i know it's frustrating but there are lots of people who have panic attacks and anxiety disorders who know exactly how you feel. try to maintain a steady, healthy diet, don't go too long without a drink or a snack, and when you feel an attack coming on, just talk yourself out of it. i tried it and it really worked!! i just say "i'm just having a panic attack... it will all be over in five minutes, then i can get back to whatever it is that i'm doing.... focus on breathing.... smile (make yourself smile)... i have control over this and i can prevent it from happening"
that really seems to help me!! i hope it helps you too!!! good luck!!!Health Question & Answer

You may want to get some professional help. I've had anxiety disorder for almost 4 years and finally overcome panic attacks using the one move technique.

I'd not recommend you to go on medication because of their bad long-term side effects. Go on and take a look here for more guidance and help : Question & Answer

View the techniques for control of anxiety/panic attacks, in section 8, at ezy build, below. Begin, on this first occasion, only, by holding your breath for 5, or 10 seconds: this will give you the confidence to realise that YOU CAN CONTROL YOUR BREATHING, but not pass out, or die (your autonomic nervous system resumes breathing, if you become unconscious). Advice from a published psychiatrist on controlled breathing: (1.) Get a clock, or watch with a second timer. (2.) Practise for 5 minutes, 4 times daily, until proficient. (3.) Take a small breath in, and hold it, for 6 seconds. (4.) Think to yourself: "RELAX", just before breathing out. (5.) Try to feel a sense of releasing tension, as you breathe out. (6.) Breathe in for 3 seconds, then out, for 3 seconds. Try to make your breathing very smooth, and light, as you breathe in through your nose, and out through your mouth, or nose. (7.) For the next minute, continue to breathe in, and out, every 3 seconds. (8.) Go back to step 3, at the end of the minute, and proceed through to step 7, doing this for 5 minutes. Use this at the very first sign of a panic attack starting, or any time you feel anxious, or tense. Similar, but simpler advice, from a clinical psychologist is to breathe in to the count of 3: (one thousand one; one thousand two; one thousand three) each takes around a second to say to yourself, in your mind. Then breathe out to the count of 3. Repeat, until it begins to take effect. Understand panic attacks, and what triggers them, in your life (if it is unresolved anxiety, or stress, see sections 6, [page N first] or 42, [page i first] respectively).

The paper bag method also works for most people, but is not suited to all circumstances, such as driving, or playing sport. Another alternative is psychotherapy, to address its fundamental cause, which is usually anxiety; read section 1, and examine the & websites, and use the locators to find a therapist, (and phone book, but only if necessary). I used to suffer from panic attacks, until I questioned what had changed in my life, at, or just before that time, to trigger them, which is enough for some people. Visualise as vividly as possible, a large, red, flashing, "STOP!" sign, and/or possibly a stern faced person wagging an index finger at you in a negative manner, then say to yourself as forcefully as you can, even aloud in a big voice, if alone: "I know this tactic: GO AWAY FOR A WHILE !!!" You may want to us either: "ruse", "ploy", "game", or "trick", instead of "tactic". It usually takes 30 - 40 repetitions, for most people, to establish a new habit. I also suggest that you learn, then practise the controlled breathing technique, until competent, then employ it, at the very first sign of a panic attack.

Practice one of the relaxation methods on pages 2, 11, 2c, or 2i, daily, and when needed. also, give the EFT a good tryout, to see if it helps you. There is also a version for use in public places, (if you like, you can claim to have a headache, as you massage/lightly tap your temples, but you would then be restricted to subvocalising - saying it to yourself in your mind). Sections 53, and 2, 2.q and 2.o at also refer: "Even though I sometimes suffer from panic attacks, I deeply and completely accept myself." Note: the controlled breathing only helps with the symptoms (as do medications/herbal remedies): you need to address the underlying cause, which requires some form of therapy, and Cognitive Behavio(u)ral Therapy has been shown to be effective. Imagine that the cause of your panic; your anxieties, fears, your self doubts, self recriminations, all the agonizing "I'm-so-Stupids," and "I'm-too-fats"; every painful "I-can't-I-have-it" or "I-can't-do-it" are huge raging, hurtful bulls snorting and charging at you. You see them coming at you and you hold out your red matador's cape at arms length and simply let them charge right by.

Every time they come at you, hold out your arm with the red cape and let them rage and snort and go right on past. Because many people can't access/afford professional therapy, I include the EFT, and EMDR variant for them to try, free of charge (professional is best). Cognitive Behavio(u)ral Therapy is generally available in most areas, but EMDR (see section 33) may well be worth trying, and is becoming more widespread.Health Question & Answer

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