Why do some people like hurting others?!

Question: Why do some people like hurting others.?
I've been hurt more times then I can count.. I feel like I can only trust myself & a few friends.. Once again I trusted someone and got slapped in the face.. I wanna run away and be alone.. Why do some people find hurting others fun.?Health Question & Answer

I don't know how old you are but the younger you are the better.. You need to get some professional advice.. These poeple are outright bullies who attack you verbally and mentally.. Whether you are at school or work or college or in a any other learning facility, this behavour is UNACCEPTABLE.. DON'T tolerate it, report it.. Get advice and most of all get into a programme where you can learn anti-bullying techniques.. I am sillsuffering from bullies at the age of 53, but I am getting there.. Had Iearned the anti-bullying techinques earlier in life, I would be a stronger person now.. Do it now before it is too late to change your strategy..

Just google it, you will get lots of advice, or register at a local scool or college for a course on how to dela with dificult people..You CAN beat ths problem.. It isnot your problem, rather it is the bullies' problem.. You can help them to turn their problem around by being assertice.. So find out about assertiveness, this does not mean being rude back, it is a way of dealing with people who are quite often unaware of their actions and not realising that what they say, or they way they say things are affecting other people adversely.. You could do someone a great favour by learning how to calmly and efficiently turn round their unacceptable behaviour towards others.. I have to say though that some people are just on a "power trip", even so the techniques are effective in all situations..

I wish you the best success in this.. Don't be submissive, be assertive, but with compassion..Health Question & Answer

Most of the time it's jealousy or insecurity.. They're not happy with themselves and they want to take it out on you..
Those few friends are worth a million.. Just stay with them! Once you've recovered you can try to make a few more.. Then more.. Then more..
By the way, it's pretty hard to tell you you are going to be friends with when first meeting people.. And giving people a second chance usually strengthens the friendship (so I've found).. NEVER go back to the ones that have hurt you distinctly, but maybe try a few that you thought wouldn't work..
One more thing: NEVER (again with the "nevers") give someone a chance to think that you were the obnoxious one.. Quoting......someone who knows what they're talking about: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.. If you're only nice to your enemies, then that can never go against you.. Most likely you'll even have some people turn against the mean ones and switch to your side..
Keep your chin up and smile! And don't be afraid to cry with your friends (the real ones)..Health Question & Answer

In less than a year after graduating I lost contact with almost anyone I went to high school with.. I don't talk to any of my close or even best friends from high school.. I only have a few friends that I trust but even them I talk to at the most once a week.. Some close friends from college I only talk to once a month.. It feels very lonely at times but I try not to think about it.. I just learned not to hope so much and to expect alot less of people in general.. Health Question & Answer

It's people that have difficulty with themselves that they take it out on others.. They are the ones with the problem and want you to be taken down with it.. Just ignore them.. Just know that you are better and worth it.. Health Question & Answer

Because we enjoy being sadists.. Well, I do.. I hurt people with terms- that, from me, is enough to make anyone cry.. But I am usually provoked.. Anyone else- because they are bored ninnies..
-RykoHealth Question & Answer

I have a better question..

How can I learn to recognize people who like to hurt others, so I can avoid them.?Health Question & Answer

Because they're bitches..
You need to find yourself a supporting group of friends..
(:Health Question & Answer

kids need to show that they are macho i will never understand why they do it ..it is a shame that kids are so cruelHealth Question & Answer

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