What can I do? Unethical supervisor?!

Question: What can I do.? Unethical supervisor.?
My ex supervisor is a vindictive psycho.. She wrote a rude and false letter to my professors and now they have "reg flagged" me in my phD program.. I don't see why she even contacted them (I quit working for her cause she is billing medicaid illegally) but they had some meeting "out of school policy" to discuss her concerns and now they are keeping an eye on me......when all I have ever done is strived to be the best student.. I feel helpless and angry.. What can I do.?Health Question & Answer

There is nothing you can do about a b**** that wants some kind of revenge.. I am naturally suspicious about things like that; it may be paranoia but I could see a scenario where she may be afraid that you'll report her to Medicaid, and is trying to shift the blame to a "disgruntled employee.." Just a thought..
Back to you.. There is nothing you can do about it except continue striving to be the best student you can.. Prove to your professors that they were wrong to treat you that way..
As for her criminal activity, try to find out more about Medicaid, and how they handle cheaters.. That kind of ripoff affects everybody, esp.. taxpayers..
You are to be commended for your integrity.. Pat yourself on the back..
Good luck in your studies.. =)Health Question & Answer

If you decide to take her on, be prepared for a fight.. I do agree with the first poster, that you will need to do this to get anywhere.. Go to her supervisor with the whole story and then to Medicaid.. If you have any proof of her illegal billing, it will be best, because her supervisor might suggest she get rid of any evidence..Health Question & Answer

Go to her supervisor and tell them the "rest of the story.." also contact Medicaid and let them know that she is billing Medicaid illegally..Health Question & Answer

Unfortunately your path requires courage.. It is possible that a random letter sent by a peer has influenced your professors.. It is more likely that you are suffering from paranoia.. You should consider the idea that you are NOT balanced and perhaps seek counseling to confirm your conclusions.. But on to your path..
You need to make an appointment with your advisors and ask them about the letter.. (Why you think "rude" is important is quite strange......)
You need to discuss any concerns they have and tell them your ex supervisor and you have issues and you are concerned that you will not have the opportunity to keep or prove their confidence in you is warranted.. You probably should practice with a trusted peer, since you don't sound able to separate the trivia from the damaging issues..
You need to report the facts of the Medicaid fraud to Medicaid..
You need to (perhaps thru a lawyer) tell your ex supervisor that further libel will be met with a law suit..
Your statemewnt about "out of school policy" worries me......are you a native English speaker.? I hope not.. Your question is disjointed..
Probably the first thing you need to do is to contact a lawyer..
If your department doesn't give you the opportunity to refute any allegations, they could be in trouble..
Don't make any more enemies..Health Question & Answer

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