How should i live like this? im seeing someone next week, but until then how do i cope?!

Question: How should i live like this.? im seeing someone next week, but until then how do i cope.?
i have guilt and i deal with it by doing mental analysis of what i've done.. it's a certain subject i have in mind.. im back from my workout, but it was one of the worst thing i've experienced.. i have a set goal to run 1 hour in the gym, but i kept doubting if i deserve to do well.. it's not like a normal self-esteem problem.. this seems like an obsession.. never ends with the question: do i deserve to do well.? this thing in my head is just a flash of thought and not a slow and permanent one.. this is very depressing.. do you think this is a panic attack.? when i was running, i had a thought of how i was moving and connect this thought to my feeling of guilt, thinking i don't deserve to move well, resulting in a horrible workout.. i can stop, but im a very determined, goal-set person and nothing will make me move away from my goal.. so i have to run for 1 hour and im thinking my brains out while being so depressed.. where do i have to normal energy to run it.. just the overall extreme feeling of depression of doubt that i don't want to have at all is horrible and i can't run normal with these thoughts.. everything i do goes along this same line.. im fine now, but im getting blisters, scratched ankle and a weird feeling on my left leg.. im obsessed about this and im anxious about being shorter as a result and i do feel like it as i see other objects near me.. i've been worrying about the places in my left leg and left foot, but it's worse now.. Health Question & Answer

Yeah, those definitely aren't normal feelings.. It sounds to me like you have something seriously messing with your thinking.. I don't really know what advice to give you, but if it helps I can tell you that you DO deserve to do well.. I can't say it emphatically enough.. There's nothing you could have done or failed to do in your past that would doom you to never deserve to to well.. What you deserve and how well you do all depends on what kind of person you are in the present moment.. I heard a good quote once: "What you did in the past is the person you used to be.. The person you are is made up of what you will do in the future.."

And your leg will be fine.. If you are anxious, that in itself will make your leg feel funny.. There is nothing wrong with it.. :)

You can feel free to email me or IM me if you want to talk.. Sometimes it helps immensely just to put what you're feeling into words..

Health Question & Answer

Running is good.. There's no reason running should make you depressed or you should be so obsessed with it.. Why should you be shorter.? Nothing you're saying or thinking makes any sense..
Sounds like you have anxiety and compulsive obsessive disorder and you need medications like Zoloft or Paxil.. Good luck..Health Question & Answer

Yes, you definitely need to see a professional about these feelings.. Probably several months of weekly sessions, to get to the bottom of why you don't think you deserve to do well.. What would happen if you just told yourself that you DID deserve to do well.? Just say it.. Say it every time you get those feelings.. Say, "I deserve to do well".. Say, "I deserve to move well".. Have you always had these thoughts & feelings.? When did they start.? Everything has a beginning, and if you find out what started it, you can put an end to it.. But you need the help of a professional to guide you through the steps, and show you the correct way to see yourself.. An anorexic sees themselves through faulty eyes.. They focus on one thing, and make it into a big deal.. Given enough time, they can't see that they're wasting away, and are obsessed with losing more weight......convinced they're fat.. The mind is a powerful thing.. With professional help, your mind can be shown the proper way to see reality, and find out where the guilt comes from.. I've learned that guilt can be good, to a certain point.. It's good to feel guilty if you've truly done something wrong.. Guilt was meant to correct a wrong.. So, if there's truly something you've done wrong, make it right.. Apologize to whomever you wronged.. Correct it, if possible.. If the person is gone, write a letter, then throw it away, along with the guilt.. The guilt is yours as long as you want to hang onto it.. Only you can get rid of it.. Yes, it's do-able.. These are all things I've learned, and I hope they can be helpful to you.. But, keep that appointment next week, and work with your counselor.. Hopefully, you'll soon start to see some daylight, and things will begin to make sense.. <*)))><Health Question & Answer

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