What mental illness do you have when you cut yourself?!

Question: What mental illness do you have when you cut yourself.?
I'm not depressed.. I'm 99% positive I'm not depressed, but at night I feel like **** for no reason and I cut myself.. I take a kitchen knife and cut random parts of my body.. (Legs, arms, stomach..) But no matter what, I do NOT slit my wrist.. I'm afraid I'll bleed to death..

I don't know why I cut myself, I just feel like **** sometimes and I feel like I deserve it..

Is there a medical diagnosis for this.? Health Question & Answer

First off, along with whatever guidance you get from this message board, you should also talk with a medical professional.. Cutting yourself, no matter how often you hear about it in the media or from friends, is not a healthy coping mechanism..

You may think that you're not depressed, but the fact that you're cutting yourself suggests otherwise.. It is easier to hide from your feelings or your symptoms in the day time because you've got things to do, people to see and places to go.. Its easy to allow all of these distractions to override any emotional sufferings you may have.. In my opinion you are depressed, and at night when you're alone and all is quiet you have time to reflect upon your thoughts and emotions, and this is when you feel the need to cut..

People cut for many reasons.. Some people cut to relieve stress, others cut because they need to be in control of something, still others cut to feel because they feel an emotional, and sometimes physical numbness within their lives.. You say that you don't deserve to feel horrible like you do, which means that somewhere you're receiving cues that make you feel, perhaps subconsciously that you do deserve the pain emotionally and well as physically..

This is not a feeling that you're just going to grow out of.. You need to speak with someone, particularly someone in the medical profession.. There is no shame in doing this, everyone needs a little help sometimes..

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The actual term according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is Self Injury.. You need to see a psychiatrist for treatment..

Self-Injury (SI) is the act of physically hurting yourself on purpose without the intent of commiting suicide.. It is a method of coping during an emotionally difficult time that helps some people temporarily feel better because they have a way to physically express and release the tension and the pain they hold inside.. In other people hurting themselves produces chemical changes in their bodies that make them feel happier and more relaxed..

Five key components identify and define SI..

One, SI is a harmful act done to yourself.. Do not mistake lashing out in anger at others as SI..

Two, SI is only done by yourself.. If anyone else does something to you that causes pain this is not SI..

Three, an act of SI must include some sort of physical violence.. Emotionally punishing yourself (calling yourself a ***** or thinking you're stupid, ugly, etc..) is not SI..

Four, an act of SI is not done with the intention of killing yourself.. People who slit their wrists to kill themselves, even though they have harmed their body, are not SI-ing..

Last, SI is done intentionally.. Not accidentally, but with the intent purpose of hurting yourself..Health Question & Answer

People self injure for many different reasons.. I myself am a recovering self-injurer.. (I was a biter) Self Injury is often a symptom for something more serious.. You need to go to a psychiatrist to get properly diagnosed and treated.. Self injury can be very a addicting of dealing with negative issues, and you cannot cure it on your in in most cases..

Oh yes, and ignore all the ignorant comments by people who don't get it.. Health Question & Answer

Some people are depressed and are either not aware of it, or they are in denial..

If you say you "feel like ####" and "deserve" cutting, it sure sounds like depression to me..

I hope you will see a doctor as soon as possible..Health Question & Answer

Obviously you do have some depression and this is how you are dealing with it.. You can get help and you need to.. A lot of people need help these days.. People are depressed and angry for many reasons.. Sometimes we don't even know why, just frustrated with life I guess.. Talk to your doctor, that's a start.. Good luck :)Health Question & Answer

Self Mutilation.. Quite common in people your age..

There is a treatment, and it is effective, but you have to tell your doctor about your problem..

The reason behind the motivation to cut ones self is multiple and still being studied.. What is known is the disorder can be treated..

So, get some help before you end up with a bunch of scars that may prove embarrassing later in life..

Health Question & Answer

I think you feel like crap because you feel that you don't live up to any of the expectations people set up for you.. Try to resist the urge.. If you cut yourself too much, you're cuts won't heal, and then you do bleed to death if you don't go to a hospital..Health Question & Answer

Cutting is not its own disorder..

It is a coping mechenism of numerous disorders.. And is a very unhealthy coping mechanism.. Is definitly a sign you should get to a therapist or psychiatrist and discuss what is going on in your mind.. Could be something that just seeking therapy would be enough to solveHealth Question & Answer

A lack of dopamine perhaps.? So you look for ways to increase that dopamine through activity's that induce that oh so pleasurable dopamine.? Go to a doctor and try and get on a Bupropion or something that dopamine reuptake inhibitor..

Or maybe because your a conservative chirstian.?Health Question & Answer

IT's called masochistic..Health Question & Answer

Dumb ***Health Question & Answer

I'm sorry to tell you this, but that 1% might be right or else you have something eating your brain that wants to get out..
Last possibility, yet very possible (sorry again): you're stupid..
Bye :)Health Question & Answer

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