Anti depressant question please help! need answers?!

Question: Anti depressant question please help! need answers.?
have been on zoloft for 71/2 years since i was 13.. Im now 20.. I cut the dosage from 100 to 75 mgs.. I have been on 75 mgs for 5 days now.. for the first 2 days I felt great, but now i am feeling very unstimulated, and a depressed.. How long will this last.? will my mind go back to normal since I have been on it for so long.? Since I started as a child does my brain think that it needs zoloft to feel happy or content.? Should I wait it out and see.? I have sworn never to take another phsyciatric drug again, they make me too numb, and tourture me inside, as well a having multiple side effects..

for the first 3 days I felt almost eurphoric, but now Im a little depressed, and its hard to find words..

I have talked 2 Family docs, and 2 phyciatrist, the phyciatrist want to put me on other medications, and the General doctors dont know much about zoloft, and withdrawling.. I am nearly certain that I will feel better after getting off zoloft..

I have been on it since I was 13, when my brain was still developing into an adult brain, is my mind dependent on the medication.?

I FEEL like a different person and I used to like finding humor in things but I cant seem to to it anymore.. Am I going crazy.?Health Question & Answer

Let me just state for the record that Ive never felt euphoric taking any drugs, seems like your hooked on that feeling.. I also doubt that normal people feel euphoric without drugs unless they win something..

So, the upshot of what Im trying to say is, that normal people dont experience those types of highs and lows..Health Question & Answer

cutting your medications on your own with out a dr is dangerous and I don't recommend it at all..

If the Zoloft is making you feel numb and you have side effects then why wouldn't you try another medication.? there are so many out there, and unfortunatly the process in finding the right one for you ,, is trial and error.. But trust me once you find the right now it's very very worth it..Health Question & Answer

Quitting or cutting back meds is never a good idea.. Anti-depressive drugs effect different people in different ways.. If you are not getting any benefit from zoloft now than you need to try a different drug or combination of drugs.. As time goes by, your body will change and a drug that was working no longer is suited to you.. You have to try something else and it may take a while using some other med at different dosages and/or in combination with other meds to "boost" the effect of the first.. It took me five years and eight different combinations to get some relive..Health Question & Answer

you aren't going crazy, but you are in denial if you think that you do not need the antidepressant medication anymore.. Clinical depression is due to a lack of neurochemicals which leaves those chemicals you do produce in over abundant amounts causing your depression and your inability to think clearly.. Every person I have ever dealt with that has clinical depression has gone thru trying to get off medications at least once......thinking that because they are doing well, they no longer need the medication......when in fact it is the medication that is keeping them stable and feeling able to think and cope.. There is no shame or lack in you for wanting to be off meds, just an unrealistic desire.. Do you enjoy feeling as tho you are going crazy.? Do you want to be back to being so depressed you don't care to get out of bed.? Do you like being unable to think well enough to find humor in those things that truly are humorous.? Like a Diabetic that must have insulin to survive, a clinically depressed person needs their medication.. Do try to see reality for what it is, accept your need for the medication and get back on it......or at least choose another.. Don't put yourself thru this..Health Question & Answer

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