Lithium and Alcohol?!

Question: Lithium and Alcohol.?
What affect will alcohol have on someone who is taking a prescribed 300mg dose twice a day of lithium for bipolar disorder.? is this something which should be avoided.?Health Question & Answer

Mist is right.. Most psychiatrist tell patients with bipolar that very moderate drinking is okay.. The med compliance rate is only 50%, so as she said, it's counterproductive to require patients to not drink at all.. Everything is relative, too.. Almost all medication effects internal organs.. Bans on alcohol are not made or expected by society if someone is taking an antibiotic for acne as an example.. Yet, the "damage" is the same..

When someone with bipolar is stable, they are not high on psychotropics.. The meds bring normalcy, regular acuity and functioning.. Unfortunately, when someone has a mental illness, the standards are based on stigma as much as rationality and supportable evidence..

All I'm really saying that a beer at the picnic is okay, a six pack is not..

PS - All One has it backwards.. Ppl with mental disorders self-medicate with alcohol and street drugs.. Alcoholism and drug addiction clearly cause serious problems, some messed up enough to effect brain functioning, but they don't cause bipolar disorder.. There is no credible research supporting his claim..Health Question & Answer

There are a few reasons this could be or is a bad idea.. 1st, there is a medical risk whereas you can become lithium toxic (levels too high in your bloodstream) depending on how much alcohol you drink.. Your MD (or at least your pharmacist) should have told you how important it is to stay well hydrated while taking lithium to avoid lithium toxicity.. As you know alcohol can cause you to become dehydrated fairly quickly (depending on how much you drink).. So as previously stated, one or two would probably be okay, but use caution ( I think both your MD and pharm.. would tell you not to drink..) As for psych impact, if you have Bipolar 1 (more elevated mood or manic episodes) then alcohol would not cause too many problems.. But if you have Bipolar 2 (more depressive mood) then alcohol could cause a worsening of your depression.. So be careful, be smart and be well.. Oh, and you should probably talk w/ your MD or therapist about this..Health Question & Answer

Large quantities or routine use should definitely be avoided.. Lithium is hard on the kidneys and not the liver's best friend.. Anyone taking it still has to grow old in their body, eh.. However, a drink or two now and then usually isn't an issue.. That's what most psychiatrists (mine and others I know) say.. What's more, it's unrealistic to tell ppl on life long meds that they can't participate is some common social behaviors.. AND, considering that only 50% of ppl with bipolar stay on meds, it'd be counterproductive to expect all on it to be alcohol free..Health Question & Answer

Alcohol change the chemical balance of the brain and probable is the cause of what you refer to as a "bipolar disorder"..
The fact is that all drinkers will develop mental illness..
The symptoms how ever will remit when the alcohol is removed.. If it was prolonged drinking then their is a "residual effect", so the symptoms will remain for a longer period of time.. Health Question & Answer


Getting hammered on Lithium could cost you a kidney and/or require you to need dialysis regularly for the rest of your life even if you don't loose a kidney.. Getting a good buzz on could cause the same.. Alcohol causes dehydration and dehydration is the quickest way to Lithium toxicity.. Toxicity poisons the kidneys amonst other things.. Lithium's therapeutic window is very small.. Lithium is a great med, but if it's not managed and you don't manage yourself, it can be lethal..

Having a drink once in a while isn't a deal.. Having one every night or a six pack on Friday is.. Even if you don't go toxic, you still will grow old in your body and the meds already are hard on your innards..

Btw, every psychiatrist I've had has said basically the same thing I just said here.. I take Lithium, have an occasional drink, and that's it.. I like my kidneys, dislike hospitals, and want to grow old without unnecessary medical problems..Health Question & Answer

Don't mix pills and booze..

Nothing good can come of it..Health Question & Answer

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