Why does it seem like everybody else has their college dreams figured out?!

Question: Why does it seem like everybody else has their college dreams figured out.?
I am 22 and I graduated highschool at 19.. I went to a community college for a year and lost interest in school.. I have been working a lot since then.. Ive been working in an office and been offered manager positions and I seem to like my job but everybody else I know seems to have some sort of educational future figured out.. I can't even begin to think what I want to do with my life and I can't figure out what my calling is.. I have a desire to go to school I dont have the money but I want to extend my education.. is this normal to not know what I want to do.?Health Question & Answer

Not everybody has to go to college.. A lot of folks end up going later in life.. You are only five years out of high school.. You are still young.. So ride it for now and if you are taking the Manager position, then save up some money and look at other things that you might want to do.. Maybe you are good learning life on the job.. But you still may decide on college at a later date.. I did and I ended up getting a doctorate..

hang in there!Health Question & Answer

Everyone does not need a college education or many do as you are doing take a little college and feel that they are wasting their time and go to work.. Have you though of going ahead taking the manager position and begin your college courses on line at night when you are ready.? Be yourself and don't worry that you are not like everyone else, that is what makes this world a great place we are not all alike....Health Question & Answer

OMG i'm in the exact same position as you except that i just turned 24.. i want to go back to school but it's very difficult when you have to work to support yourself and pay for school at the same time, plus make the grade.. i know that i want to be a journalist so i'm just going to go for it.. i'll do whatever it takes.. i don't want to be sitting here 5 years from now in the same position wondering why i didn't do something with the time i had.. if you want a good paying job in this day a college education is most always necessary..Health Question & Answer

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