Sleeping pills give me some sleep, but I still wake up way early.?!

Question: Sleeping pills give me some sleep, but I still wake up way early...?
Am I just not ment to sleep late.? Health Question & Answer

Some sleeping medications disturb or shorten the deeper part of our sleep cycle.. This leaves people waking up still tired and grumpy.. Seek proper health advice..Health Question & Answer

You have to try getting yourself into a better sleeping pattern.. Whenever you wake up early, don't get out of bed or even give yourself time to stretch and wake yourself up completely.. Just get comfortable, and try to go back to sleep.. Don't get out of bed again until the time you desire to wake up.. Eventually you should stop waking up early and be programmed to wake at around the chosen time..
Hope this helped!Health Question & Answer

I have the same problem, I think some people are just that way, I read a lot about changing your sleeping habits and not napping, or taking a warm bath, but who has time for all that stuff..

Do you have a hard time falling asleep or just staying asleep.? And when you wake up early do you still feel tired.? If you feel fine, maybe you are just wired that way..Health Question & Answer

i don't think it's that abnormal to get 5-6 hours sleep a night.. i would try going to bed later (stay up until 1-2am) and seeing if you still wake up at the same time.. it could just be that you are trying to get too much sleep, or have overestimated how much sleep you need..

also doing some exercise in the day will make you more tired in the evening.. eating a balanced diet also helps..Health Question & Answer

try making a sleep routine every day, like if you fall asleep at 12 and wake up at 3am when it should be 8am, stay awake until 12 again that night without sleeping at all in between, you will be tired enough to sleep to your 8am goal without interruption, and then try to stick with that routineHealth Question & Answer

I had the same problem.. 2 to 4 hours of sleep every night for over a year..
Depression did it to me..
I was so desperate for sleep that one time I took an Oxycontin (my prescription), a Vicoden (wife's prescription), benedryl, and had a couple of drinks..
I slept for three hours..
Go to your doctor.. You might have a sleep disorder or it could be depression..Health Question & Answer

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