What would you do? :)?!

Question: What would you do.? :).?
If you built friendships with people and confided in them ( by revealing deeper issues, not just surface level things) and you knew in advance they would leave and you would essentially be alone again......(as in, you no longer have someone close to tell your deeper thoughts, feelings, etc)

Would you take the risk and be friends with them anyway.? or avoid this all together and keep to yourself.?

(Consider the pain of losing friends, and knowing they have left with the chance of probably never seeing or having meaningful conversations with them ever again)Health Question & Answer

Everyone is human and flawed.. Everyone you or I ever have or will have a relationship with; will disappoint you at one point or another.. But disappointment, just like any other "feeling" is temporary.. Life can be full of hope, no matter what the circumstance, if you personally know Jesus as your Lord and Savior.. John 3:16.. I am praying for your freedom from the weariness of the weight of the world you seem to carry.. I would try to get to know myself along with keeping the same friends and searching out new ones.. I have friends I like, but who are negative, so I stay away from when I am dealing with a real problem.. It is great to have friends you have a common interest with, like a fun hobby, that may or may not know your personal stories.. Have you read "Self Matter" by Dr.. Phil McGraw.? It is good.. also, some of the Beth Moore bible studies done at churches are wonderful, deep and very fulfilling.. Hope this helps:)Health Question & Answer

I assume this is all hypothetical :)

Cause what you're saying is classic

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