While having Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder, anyone get embarrased of you?!

Question: While having Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder, anyone get embarrased of you.?
i schizo-affective disorder the bipolar type, but rapid cycling.. i sometimes would embarrass my friends and family with my manic phases because we'd be in public places and i would go off the walls singing screaming laughing rolling jumping just yeah u know how manic stages can get.. anyone get embarrased cuz of you.?

my family is embarrassed by me when i get into the manic stages, and it gets me sad.. my dad, although well educated is obviously not educated in knowing anything about mental disorders.. seems to never listen to what i try telling him about bipolar and schizophrenia.. i have mild case of schizophrenia, mostly the bipolar disorder with pyschotic features.. but it seems to go in one ear out the other.. but im getting way ahead of myself.. anyone out here have rapid cycling bipolar disorder.?Health Question & Answer

A friend of mine has rapid cycling.. What she did was to let all here close friends know as well as her husband.. we all watch out for her and warn her when she is getting a bad manic episode coming on..

I would recommend avoiding stress as much as possible.. For most people I know with Bipolar and I know several, Stress is want brings on the severe attacks especially with rapid cycling..

Meds help a lot.. What are u on.? some combination of Haloperidol(anti Hallucation drug) and lithium or anti-convalescent.?Health Question & Answer

I certainly do have rapid-cycling bipolar disorder, and people are CONSTANTLY annoyed and embarrassed by me.. I've lost friends because of it.. I try to explain that it's not always my fault, but usually they tell me it's just because I'm a teenager, and I should control myself better..

It feels like crap when people you love get embarrassed by the constant roller coaster.. My heart goes out to you..Health Question & Answer

Call 1-800-232-6459 .focusonthefamily..com" rel="nofollow">http://www..focusonthefamily..com M-F during business hours, ask for Counseling dept.., tell your family concerns regarding your dad, etc.. They will be able to help, suggest resources for your dad, and so on..Health Question & Answer

I rapid cycle and am currently being treated for it...... psych wouldnt up my lithium so he added Epilim to my mini cocktail..

I am bipolar II so I am less manic...... though as i said, I rapid cycle.. I go from feeling good to really happy then irritable and this usually happens when I am out in a public place like a shopping centre.. My poor Mum has copped this a few times and my boyfriend (at the time) copped it too.. I dont know if they were embarrassed, they more had to try and calm me down but then I'd fight back with 'don't tell me to calm down' etc.. My bipolar I've always felt is on the "low" end of the scale but my depressive lows are LOW...... I just mainly experience alot of irritation and agitation then slump then back up again into irritableness..

Are you on medication.? Maybe your mood stabiliser needs a little tweaking, but this can only be done by your doc/psych.. And if you're not on a MS, maybe speak to the doctor about getting on one, hopefully you're not on too many meds already..

I hope I've helped.. Maybe.. Take care..

PS/.. Refer your family, especially your Dad to a website about bipolar etc.. A good one is www..bipolar..com..au or take him to a psych session with you.. I did that with my Mum.. She's always been understanding but still, it's better when the psychiatrist tells her what's going on..Health Question & Answer

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