Why am I suddenly depressed? ?!

Question: Why am I suddenly depressed.? .?
In my third class the teacher put us in groups and told us to trade contact information ( so If I were absent, I can have someone turn in my work for me) Well, I got everyone in my groups email, but the girl sitting behind me and I wrote my contact for everyone except some guy ( that I had in a class last year ) well, this guy didn't only do that once, he did that last time I had a class with him too.. Now I'm all upset like whats wrong with me and yada yada yada..

Any advice .? Health Question & Answer

If I'm understanding this correctly, you're saying that this guy didn't want to exchange contact information with you as well as the rest of the group.. If this is the case, this sounds like this may be an issue this guy has with giving out his information.. I don't think it's something you should be depressed about.. This may be as simple as, his parents told him that they don't want him giving out home information.. You never know what his parents want.. Unless you are taking this situation as because this guy is in this group with you, like he was the last time you had class with him, and you feel that he's not exchanging information because you are in the group.. I'm wondering if you're taking his actions personally; and if that is the case, please don't be upset about that! First of all, everyone else in the group exchanged info with you, and it seems as though he withheld his information from everyone; and you know what, if he doesn't like you, that's his loss.. You never know, sometimes, people that are jealous of other people (which he might be of you/ or he may just be insecure), sometimes might pull stunts like that just to kind of like put themselves above others to make themselves feel better (because they may be insecure).. (this by the way, is just an unprofessional theory and assumption on my part..) Good luck and cheer up because you deserve to be happy!Health Question & Answer

I am not sure what the guy did..
If he did not take your e mail address, maybe you feel bad about this..
Maybe you think there is something he doesn't like about you.. So what if he didn't take your e mail address.. Think of it this way, "It's his loss.." Good Luck in school..
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this guy has problems but its not for you to beat yourself up over it, the last two years when i did my A levels as they were then, i stressed myself enough with the added work load, others have your contact so dont dwell on himHealth Question & Answer


What you have is called anxiety

please try


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