Why am I so lonely all the time?!

Question: Why am I so lonely all the time.?
I have never had a problem getting to know people.. Since I've lived in several countries and moved around all my life.. I know how to adapt to new places well and have many friends but I'm still lonely..

When I go back to my apartment, I have no one to talk to and sometimes I just cry by myself.. I currently do not have a girlfrined either.. I feel like I always want attention from people and when I don't get it I feel depressed.. Since my phone hardly ever rings, I feel like I don't have any good friends who are really interested in me as good friend......I'm a very approachable person and people like me, but its not enough..

How can I stop being so lonely all the time.? Health Question & Answer

Sometimes, you just need to make the extra effort to fill in your own time with new friends, excitement and things to do.. So what if your friends are too busy and don't call you.. You can still go out and do stuff on your own and meet new people along the way.. It's always good to keep in touch with new and old acquaintances/friends, that way you'll always have people to talk to and contacting you.. Maybe try signing up for some volunteer work to fill in the void.. It'll definitely allow you to feel heppy knowing you're helping others and you'll definitely make new friends too.. Good luck!!!Health Question & Answer

I honestly think that you should realize that people are busy with their own life too.. In addition to that I suggest the next time you go clubbing, pick up some one and bring them back to your apartment, just because you do, doesn't mean it will be a one night stand.. So try to get some lover and jump into the dating scene with a positive attitude!!Health Question & Answer

Maybe you should join a dating site.? You sound like a really nice person.. There are plenty of ladies who are looking for you this very second..
My friends created a profile for free on one, and they have met lots of friends.. You have to take action if you want to meet people.. Good Luck, things will get better..Health Question & Answer

You mentioned being an approachable person but i think you should go to people, go out more, have fun..
You're lonely all the time because you expect people to come up to you..
Do your part :)Health Question & Answer

I felt like that.. I needed to be constantly talking to people.. I feel better now.. I think it was anxiety.. When my anxiety dropped so did this problem..Health Question & Answer

I've been there, so I really feel for you.. I can assure you that your situation is temporary, and that life will bring you wonderful changes if you go out and make some opportunities.. Remember, that people are sitting at the other end of a phone line waiting for you to call them too, so pick up your phone and chat with your friends and family..

Second item...... enjoy time by yourself.. Treat yourself well, enjoy some great music or watch a movie, read something interesting or cook yourself a meal.. One day, when you have a family, TRUST ME, you will look back fondly on those times when you didn't have a bunch of other people always around driving you nuts.. :-)Health Question & Answer

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