Valium + Alcohol.. Bad mix?? Help?!

Question: Valium + Alcohol.... Bad mix.?.? Help.?
Hey guys, my friends have been planning a prank on one of my friends at a party later on in the year.... Not being involved, but overhearing, i just want to find out if it is a fatal mix, and i can warn the kid, or tell them not to....

They plan to crush a valium tablet (or w..e form valium is in) into alcohol, and let this kid drink this....

Apart from being a stupid idea (they've probably done stupider), does this pose an actual health risk (because of that mix).? And if so, what.?

Thanks alotHealth Question & Answer

Valium and Alcohol

People who drink alcohol while taking Valium may be at a higher risk of developing certain Valium side effects, such as memory problems, unusual behavior, and drowsiness.. also, when alcohol and Valium are combined, a person may be more sensitive than usual to the effects of the alcohol.. Due to these risks, it is generally recommended that you not drink alcohol while taking Valium..

Both alcohol and Valium? (diazepam) are central nervous system depressants (CNS depressants), which means they both can slow down brain activity.. Drinking alcohol while taking Valium may increase your risk of serious reactions.. This is why, according to the Valium prescribing information, drinking alcohol while on Valium is not recommended.. Additionally, for many people with mental illness, it is usually recommended that alcohol be avoided..


Health Question & Answer

Mixing any kind of pills with alcohol are a major mistake as each persons body can react to pills differently so you wont know for 100% what the reaction will be.. However almost every medical advisory tells you never to mix alcohol with them and for a good reason.. You will want to warn him on this oneHealth Question & Answer

pretty bad for the liver, i doubt it would kill him but if you got caught, you could get in real trouble.. The thing is lots of people do it recreational but it can increase you intoxication 3 or 4 times the normal amount.. especially if you are not accustom to the drug.. dont be dumb, you could f him up really bad.. however if you put a couple drops of visene eye drops in his drink he'll have diarrhea, safe and funny..Health Question & Answer

i would warn the kid and tell an adult about these people as they could end up killing someone,im serious ive heard it on the news before also if these kids get caught doing these they could actually be charged with attempted murderHealth Question & Answer

yea, you can stop breathing your heart can stop......nothing bigHealth Question & Answer

one tip, never mix them two togetherHealth Question & Answer

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