I have a question please?!

Question: I have a question please.?
Okay.. So I've never been big on dating.. Its always been cuz I feel sorry for someone that I go out with someone.. All the other ppl who ask me out I say no to....bc I "don't date" and maybe cuz there is no attraction.? Even tho they're really good looking I don't really feel it.. And im really uncomfortable around guys.. So I like girls......
So this weekend @ a wedding......I met my cousins friend.. She's really pretty and I really like her.. But im not sure if she likes me back, if she likes girls, or even if she DOES like girls...... how to ask her out or anything.. So im pretty uncomfortable with the situation.. And I had some "vibes" and am wondering if they seem right or not
So when we all got back to the hotel (big family......so a lot of rooms) she was hanging out with me and a few of my other cousins (the cousin she came with was doing something else) but she was hanging out with US.. And after a while after going swimming and all she went to bed.. And the next day we all went out for breakfast and I switched places with my cousin to rest my head against the wall cuz I was really tired......so she switched places with my other cousin....so she could still be accross frm me in the booth......and we were taking pics and on my phone she took a ton of "boob" pics (showing off cleavage and all) and she was messing with my phone and added her number and added me on all of her buddy lists.. And idk, I saw her looking at me a lot and all..
So yea-im not one to know this kind of stuff......so if someone could help me out here.?
And she is really pretty so a bunch of ppl probably like her and ppl tell me that im "hot" but idk if I would be pretty enough.?

Thanks! This is really important to me!
I just turned 17 and she turns 16 soon

Oh, and she is signle btwHealth Question & Answer

I think you should talk with her when the two of you are alone together you'll never know unless you ask her she could be feeling the same things you are sounds to me like she might have interest in you.. My youngest Daughter is bi-sexual and she says the same type of things she gets scared too.. Good Luck sweetieHealth Question & Answer

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