Will i necessarily gain weight on Lexapro and Ocella (generic Yasmin)?!

Question: Will i necessarily gain weight on Lexapro and Ocella (generic Yasmin).?
Hey everyone.. I just started taking generic Yasmin called Ocella a week ago, and today I started on Lexapro.. Supposedly, both of these medications are supposed to have a low chance of weight gain as compared to the others in it's class, but I am worried.. Has anyone ever taken these.? Did you gain weight.? Is there a way to stop the weight gain while still eating healthy balanced meals.? Why do they make you gain weight, what is the reason.?

Thanks everybody..Health Question & Answer

Lexapro doesnt realy cause weight gain.. i was on 20 mg daily and didnt gain a pound.. yasmin im not so sure, but what causes weight gain is really unknown.. for you it coud cause weight loss it depends on your body chemistry.. sometimes, when your depressed u eat alot, so maybe with lexapro helping u not be depressed, you'll eat less thus losing weight.. other times, it could make you hungry, and you start over eating, which cuases the weight gain.. good luck!Health Question & Answer

I'm on Lexapro for five months and Yaz (Yasmin's little sister) for a year and haven't gained any weight.. I assume a good diet/exercise combination will prevent you from gaining any if you're worried about it.. I have no idea why they might cause weight gain though.. Sorry!Health Question & Answer

Wieght gain is a possible side effect of Lexapro.. I gained nearly 20 lbs.. in six months and I go to the gym 4 times a week.. My doctor switched me to Wellbutrin, I am slowly taking off the 20 lbs.. Health Question & Answer

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