I keep having flashbacks about my past and overanalysing a lot?!

Question: I keep having flashbacks about my past and overanalysing a lot.?
Usually about things that I don't even want to think about anymore..
Why do some people over analyze things over and over
what makes us have flashbacks about our past.?

What can I do to stop all this.? It's making me very depressed and upset..
Health Question & Answer

I am like that......I overanalyzed every single detail......even when someone said Hi to me i would think "how was the tone.? was it friendly or aggressive.?"......I have flash back of my past when I am depressed and down and when i get them i get even more depressed!

How did i stop.? occupy your time......do whatever to take your mind of of it.. One simple thing i did was read comic books [i love Tintin] and it went away......it didn't go away over night now, it took a while but it went away.. I still get them but less frequent and more time apart..

I still overanalyze and i think that i always will......It's who i am.. I don't know if there is a cure for that..

God luck sweetheart..Health Question & Answer

It sounds like you have been through something pretty tough and there is help out there.. Sometimes flashbacks come when you are reminded of something (i..e.. smell, a color, a situation etc) it really depends on the situation..

Have you tried therapy to process whatever you are having flashbacks about.? Flashbacks would make most people upset and depressed.. If it is something you have not dealt with and worked through maybe it is time to start.. People say you have to take a few steps backward in order to move forward..

Check out this site and see if any of it fits with what you are going through.. Best Wishes!

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i don't know what causes this, but i feel for you.. i go through the same thing sometimes..
all i know is that it's been happening to me for years and isn't getting better no matter how hard i try.. there are some things we can't do alone..
i'm seeing my doctor about all this, my advice to you would be to do the same.. talk to your family doctor, and they can help you and refer you to a psychologist who can help you break this cycle now, before it gets worse..Health Question & Answer

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