Weird sympoms with my depression and anxiety. Any explanations, thanks?!

Question: Weird sympoms with my depression and anxiety.. Any explanations, thanks.?
1) I have abnormally strong responses to childhood fantasy movies (i..e.. The Secret of NIMH, etc..).. I love them but they overwhelm with me with emotion to the point that I have trouble watching.. Bridge to Terabithia triggered a huge episode with me.. Plus my mother spoiled the ending, making me even more upset by the movie.. It's like some movies become so touching they frek me out.. Anyways, what is causing tis reaction.? It seems so odd..

2) I feel aside from my emotions sometimes.. I can feel very depressd but I can feel myself separate into observer and a sufferer.. This is hard to explain without sounding nuts.. I can feel the depression.. But my inner voice feels like it is watching myself feel the emotion and making comments while the inner me feels the pain..

3) I have derealization/depersonalization I think.. I feel we are meat puppets walking in some bizarre physical dream called life.. ButI feel that there is no point to existence and that reality is some bizarre hallucination that doesn't exist.. I know this isn't true, but I experience it..

Health Question & Answer

Yes these are typical for anxiety and it varies for everyone it may not be typical for one person but completely normal for the next.. I actually just had a spell of depersonalization and derealization about an hour ago when I was driving home causing an anxiety attack.. Lovely huh.? Your anxiety is causing these reactions.. If you find a way to get away from the negative thoughts and overwhelming worry your symptoms should subside.... Good luck..Health Question & Answer

Well these are not normal anxiety and depression symptoms i think the drug abuse explains it all.. Unfortunately these drugs can cause serious damage to the brain which can probably do these things.. I am not a professional but i can just assume that and i am also sorry about your dad :[.. You should see a mental care professional because they can further diagnose you.. Good luck..Health Question & Answer

Your symptoms are too strange and too odd to have anyone on here give you a diagnosis.. Go see a mental health professional, and do it soon.. Health Question & Answer

great that you quit the drugs
now try to take better care of your health,
eat healthy, take vitamins and plenty of sleep
also read on - good success storiesHealth Question & Answer

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