Why do so many people think that creating drama is the same thing as actually doing something of value?!

Question: Why do so many people think that creating drama is the same thing as actually doing something of value.?
I am amazed at the large number of people who intentionally go out of their way to seek out drama and gossip, and go blah blah blah all day about him and her and how dramatic things are..

When you give them a simple, specific solution to their situation, they ignore you and go back to nonstop drama and gossip..

What is the point of this.? Is it some sort of odd belief that drawing attention to yourself and stirring sh*t up is a worthwhile, substantive endeavor.?

"Look at me! My life is a constant, self-imposed vortex of unnecessary drama! I'm so cool and important!"

I don't get it..Health Question & Answer

Your use of the word 'vortex' makes me want to have dinner with you..Health Question & Answer

People who have a constant inconsistency tend to gossip to fill a void of their on patetic life.. ignore themHealth Question & Answer

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