Feeling suicidal plz help?!

Question: Feeling suicidal plz help.?
lately ive been feeling really depressed off and on..mostly its because im now a senior in highschool, almost 18, and im not sure what im going to do with my life.. i pretty much have no friends and i think i have social anxiety disorder.. whenever im at school im quiet all day and dont know what to say to people.. i come off shy and i think people must think im just an asshole but im really not im just really ******* shy and it pisses me off.. what can i do like i dont know how to get over this its makin me crazy......

AND on top of all that my dad is threatening to kick me out at 18.. hes been "disappointed" in me ever since last year when my grades have been getting shitty...... last year i had my first break up with my first girlfriend and it really changed me a lot ......it made me feel so happy ya know to be loved by somebody and then one day boom its all over and your left wondering "what did i do wrong.?" idk anyway ive moved on but i have major self confidence problems.......... life just seems so hard right now suicide seems like a solution.... Health Question & Answer

omgd ur really in for it.. well maybe you should start reading a book.. get yourself into something to keep your mind from straying to those thoughts.. Talk to someone ELSE other than kids, parents, ect...... maybe talk to a councler (i no it sounds corny but really it will help) seriously get a new girlfriend, move to hawaii, anything that will make you happier.. dont resort to suicide or drugs because they only make the problems good for a little while and then it gets worse.. 10 times worse.. then ur addicted.. dont go that path.. seriously just MOVE ON it may seem like ur having bad days all the time but that means that someone else is having a good day.. and wen they have a bad day it will be your turn.. everything happens for a reason.. just look at it that way.. you may not know this but there acctually ARE people out there who would care if u were gone.. they would really miss you even tho it mite not seem that way.. good luck with whatever u choose to do.. it would b really sad if you choose something bad..
;) hope u feel better.. Health Question & Answer

There is a toll free number you can call: 1-800-273-TALK or 1-800-273-8255.. It is the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline..Health Question & Answer

If you feel suicidal you need to go to the nearest ER for evaluation.. Only a professional can help you with your problems.. A social worker will help you with you home problems..Health Question & Answer

Go to the ER if you are suicidal..Health Question & Answer

you need to call a local 'crisis line' or seek help..Health Question & Answer

Why oh Why are you feeling this way.?Please do not think suicide is a solution, for one thing you would never have another solution to solve! Is there no one in your life that you can talk to.? I am sure there will be answer's for you here so stick around to see if you get some idea where to turn to keep an open mind and at this time do not think about all your problems at this time just thy to take a deep breath I always do this when I am anxious about something,breath in and smell the roses and breath out to blow out the candles out.. rember to just breath easy and clear your mind and wait for some good people to answer you..Ill keep an eye out for you also there is a teen hot line you can call to I will try to get the link
for you 1-800-teen hotline Health Question & Answer

We all have a different threshold of confidence.. If you have moved on after the breakup; that is a good event.. You are young.. There will be many others with whom you can find a relationship.. Figure out where you are going and then plan how to get there.. Ask for help from people you trust.. Don't take on extreme amounts of stress in short periods of time.. Pace yourself.. Be happy for the positive things you have to work with.. Health Question & Answer

I know how high school is......I was pegged as something other then what I was.. I was quiet most of the time so they thought I was full of myself..

Anyway to your question.. I would suggest that you talk with the school counselor, an adult you can trust or even calling a local crisis hotline......or a national hotline number.. The crisis number should be in your phone book and an easy to remember hotline number is 1-800-suicide.. Talk to someone.. If all else fails please call 911 or get yourself to the ER and tell them how you are feeling and that you want help..

Don't keep this feeling to yourself.. You need help..

Good Luck Health Question & Answer

no, i dont know you, but i care about you enough to say this: find some financial aid online.. i think the pell grant is funded by the government for students with out any money..

.ed..gov/programs/fpg/index..html" rel="nofollow">http://www..ed..gov/programs/fpg/index..htm......

or choose a vocation at your school.. actually go talk to your student counselor.. he or she will help you, man.. life is full of fun and there is a girl out there for you.. dont give up, you could be the next person to cure a disease.. go volunteer at an animal shelter, animals are not dick heads like some people are.. they would appreciate the love and won't talk back or think you are weird.. peace and much love.. don't give up..Health Question & Answer

see, i'm somebody of your age in i do understand.. you changed school 1s...... i changed 7 times...... literally...... you can still call your friends.. i have nobody cz i never had the time n oppurtunity to make close friends.. the basic idea is to make you know that somebody infact many people are there suffering like you.. after my relation of 3yrs, i broke up last year..n to add, i jus shifted to a new college.. i understand the need of being loved at this crucial time.. as 4 u...... as you are shy...... do the things that doesnt relate to your expressions.. bcz ur expressions will make people know you are shy.. engage in an activity where there is jus you or a crowd...... in both cases, people cant see you or wont glue eyes on JUST you.. start talking to people.. start with a smile.. remember the compliments you received ever.. mingle mingle mingle.. i sure know you'll get love again.. n do study........ m very bad at it n it pisses off my dad cz he expects some good outcome of the money he has put.. its obvious..one day i'll scream at my kids and threaten to kick them out if they loose grades n dont even try to improve.. if yu dont know what to do with your life...... let it flow...... you'll reach a shore.. just start off with a deep breathe n say...... HERE I GO...... n dont stop......this is jus the beginning..Health Question & Answer

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem..

Break ups are hard, I know, I've been there, but they are just another part of life.. It is hard to get back on your feet, though..

Maybe you should try getting involved in some clubs at school and try to rid yourself of this social anxiety disorder.. If you don't know what type of club you like, pick one at random and see how it goes..

If you're turning 18 in the school year, I don't think it's necessarily "right" of your dad to kick you out while you're still attending school.. Health Question & Answer

It takes a lot of courage to write the long post on Yahoo Answers that you wrote, so congratulations on doing it.. I know what it's like to feel suicidal and to feel a really really shitty time.. From my experience, give it time, use music to feel better, and just ignore people, even your Dad.. Try to pick up your grades if you can, maybe see a guidance counselor or someone to ask for help with study skills, that was something I was bad at in high school.. You'll find another girl - believe me, there are tons out there.. Punch a pillow, scream your lungs out, have a favorite place to retreat to.. Watch favorite movies (like breakfast club.. .. .. ) and maybe search for another girl on the Internet, but try to not get too attached too quickly.. Don't give up.. Suicide is actually the most selfish thing anyone can do because the effect it has on everyone else is very large, and it's only the person thinking about themselves.. Think more about the community and how you can be an example to someone.. 10 years from now it will be better.. Give it time.. Time does heal a lot, not everything - but it will heal this.. Health Question & Answer

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