SUICIDE: Do you think it's worth it?!

Question: SUICIDE: Do you think it's worth it.?
Suicide has become a large part of our society, especially recently.. If life was THAT BAD, would you seriously consider suicide.? What would it take (if anything) to push you over the edge and make you kill yourself.?
I for one would keep living 'till I die no matter what..
What do you think.? Health Question & Answer

Hey There,
You bring up a good question.. Everyones mentality is so different.. You meet people every day.. Some thrive on attention.. That is my sister for example.. She is on medication, she has been since she was 14 she will be for the rest of her life.. However short or long that may be.. She takes so many pills they do not fit (the bottles) in a plastic bag.. She always looks drugged out, and she does not mind that fact either.. She has been in so many mental hospitals I lost track and count of them all.. She says she wants to kill herself and she does cut herself but not the type of cutting that would ever kill her.. She enjoys the attention that it draws to her.. For those of you who think I am cruel and cold hearted please understand that you do not know her.. I love my sister but I have had to deal with this for many years.. I am there for her, I talk to her, I console her.. I make her feel like everything is OK.. She gets money from the state, she gets a house the same way, she has never worked, and chances are she will never work a day in her life.. My mother lives with her.. Neither of them work but my mother at least worked while I was growing up sometimes 2 and 3 jobs.. I can't say that we had it completely easy but we did not have it extremely hard either..

Then there is me.. Because of circumstances I just left.. I started working when I was 13.. I was paying all the bills in the house by the time I was 14.. I put myself through homeschool during those years, and paid for it.. I moved out by the time I was 16.. I put myself through law school.. At one point or another I was living in my car.. I have horses, they came before anything, even me.. They are not cheap as one may know.. I lived a dangerous life.. I rode race horses, but the ones that no other person would dare to get on.. I watched my best friend get killed on a race horse.. I was careful, but I needed the jobs.. I never thought for a moment about killing myself and taking the easy way out.. I struggled and I made it to where I am.. I am the president of one successful company and the business owner of another.. I still do the same for my sister, help her, talk to her, and am there for her..

Then we have the people that never meant to kill themselves but they cut a little too deep or took one too many pills.. They did not get to the hospital in time and they died.. Sad..

Then we have the people who absolutely meant to kill themselves.. They just do it and its done.. Does life get too hard.? Do they think their is no way out.? Yes to both of those.. That too is sad..

We have so many medications for so many different problems that just drown out and overlap what is really going on.. I think for folks like that someone to talk to is probably one of the best things for them.. Some people just do not handle life and stress as well as others..

God gave us life, we should use it.. We should make the best of our circumstances no matter what they are.. That is what I have always thought.. For everyone that has it bad there is always someone that has it worse..

What about those people who are told by a doctor they have a week, a month, or a year to live and their is no turning back.? They live life to its fullest (most of them) and its sad that it takes that sometimes for people to really appreciate life.. Then there are others that will kill themselves in that circumstance.. That is sad too.. But can we blame them.? Would you want to wake up every morning knowing you were slowly dying.?

Its sad, its a fact of life, and we have to accept it.. We can be there for people when they need us and we can be strong ourselves but what more can we really do.?

Thanks for a thought provoking question! :-) Sorry for rambling thats just my view on things..

Good luck to you..Health Question & Answer

Everyone that enters that "suicide" as an option forgets that life has MANY ups and downs.. If they were all ups, the ups wouldnt be fun anymore..

However, if all you have is downs (say you are terminally ill, in chronic pain, ALS, or something VERY debilitating) and all you could do is have someone care about you.. There you enter the debate if Euthanasia is an answer..

My dad had ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease).. ALS is pretty crewl in the fact that it pretty much randomly takes out body parts.. If it takes something that sustains life, you die.. Otherwise, you just watch your/feel yourself quite working while you cannot communicate and your mind works 100%..

If I was in that state, I would seriously ask for a mercy killing!

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I have never been suicidal or wanted to take my own life, but it kind of bugs me when people say suicide is a cowards way out.. For one, no one will EVER understand what causes a person to commit suicide if they are not that person.. It is not fair to sit in your own shoes and call someone a coward for committing suicide when you have not walked a day in their shoes.. Everyone is different.. Some people can handle more than others, some can't.. Just because one person might be strong enough to handle a situation, that doesn't mean everyone can.. To me, it seems very rude and ignorant to call someone a coward when you have no idea what they are feeling or going through.. With that said, I would think I would want to keep living no matter what and that there is nothing that could push me over the edge, but who aunt, a very successful and happy person at one time, ended her life......I can't guarantee that I would never commit suicide, but I would sure try my hardest to live on..Health Question & Answer

Suicide isn't worth it.. I have had suicidal thoughts and attempted a few times in the past.. There were times where I'd have thoughts, because everything in my life just felt like it was falling apart.. I felt horrible.. I know if I ever did kill myself, I'd spend eternity in Hell.. This is what's keeping me from ending my own life.. I think it's a great reason, don't you.?

I do agree with you, "I'd live till I die no matter what.." But I won't try to kill myself, anymore..Health Question & Answer

When you read the newspaper, you can see that life is pretty bad.. Families are losing homes to foreclosure, the economy is at its worst, and people are losing jobs left and right.. However, suicide is never an appropriate solution.. Times will get better..

I've hit rock bottom in my past.. I lost my family and my career.. Suicide was never a thought.. When I brought my personal religion back into my life, my family came back (and we are closer than ever) and I have a new career where I am happier than ever..

To answer your question, I have been brought to the cliff myself, but I never thought to fall off......I just clung on with whatever strength I had left.. And I am happy I did..

Suicide is never an option......whoever chooses that option sells themselves out for future happiness because it is bound to happen..Health Question & Answer

Suicide is not the answer, ever.. Anything that is wrong is bound to get better with some effort..

However, some people are NOT in the right frame of mind to realize this.. Depression, Anxiety, and many medications change the way your mind works..

Regardless of what you have, who loves you, and what your future holds, there's nothing but blackness.. It feels like even if it does get better, it won't matter.. You won't be happy anyway.. If I'm not happy now, then how could it ever happen.?

I have everything I could possibly hope for.. I can't tell you why I feel completely hopeless.. But - I don't plan on ending it..Health Question & Answer

Only you hold the life and potential to get better, what ever your pain is, you can change and even forget about it completely later in like, you have so much to offer the world..

if you were to choose suicide the pain and hurt would affect your loved ones and the people around you for ever and that would never heal
Health Question & Answer

The problem is is that most people who commit suicide, don't even mention it to anyone or it's drug taking that is instrumental in it....those that do mention it are just screaming out for help (or in some cases using that to try and keep a boyfriend/girlfriend, thinking that's the only way to keep them)..

Personally, I've had moments of thinking it would be better if I wasn't around, but I also realise I could never be that cruel to leave my Son in that way....and to be quite honest I'm terrified of dying too..Health Question & Answer

I've thought about it but only because I suffer from severe chronic pain.. Unless I take prescription medication, I'm in pain 24/7.. At times it's so bad, it's hard to stand up long enough to take a shower..

I wouldn't do it over financial problems.. I read on the news that a woman called a bank and told them that she was killing herself for her family to prevent them from taking their house.. Sad that she didn't know that life insurance companies doesn't pay benefits if you take your life..Health Question & Answer

well for me i would say its worth it because life isn't worth living anymore that's what I think well it's down to you and your feelings about this subject and here's a piece of advice enjoy your life live it good and I hope when you will pass away it will be from natural causes and not painful so live life happily..Health Question & Answer

I experience suicidal feelings due to my depression but will just continue to try and fight it even though its hard.. What would push me over the edge.? I dont know, maybe if one day I feel like I cant fight anymore.. I dont judge people for taking their lives though when I dont know the full story.. Some people label it an easy way out but I think especially if its due to mental health problems, theres not much that will have been easy about what led the person to do it!

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It is to the person who successfully completes the act.. It is selfish because the ones in pain are those left behind.. So, in the greater sense it is not worth it because of the pain it causes the many people left behind.. And who wants to leave this life with a reputation of being "selfish.?" Health Question & Answer

suicide is the coward's way out of a hard situation..
they are selfish people who don't consider who or what they can affect with their death.. my father tried to commit suicide and it really pissed me off that he took the time to think about me and write a letter to me, leave it on the counter of a cheap motel, and still have the ******* balls to walk right into traffic..
then he had to go into a crazy home for a week.. and i had to visit while he explained his lame excuses just because he survived..

--how are you going to give me thumbs down for a true story.? you guys have issues.. i'm not going to sugar coat the truth.. life is precious and is a privalege to have.. we don't own our own lives..Health Question & Answer

Pain.. Pain.. Pain.. Have you ever felt extreme physical (or emotional) pain.? Can you imagine feeling pain constantly and being bed bound with a body that is giving up on you.?

And when doctors tell you there's nothing more they can do.? What then.? Sadly, we seem to live in a world that doesn't always care about others.. Is it really caring to postpone death simply so the suffering can be extended for a little longer.?Health Question & Answer

what would it take to push me over the edge.? the depression i'm already suffering.. it wouldn't take much more for me to kill myself, i'm only just hanging on as it is..
is suicide worth it.? i don't know.. but it's got to be better than living a life suffering as much as this..Health Question & Answer

Well, one does need a reason to live.. What is the point when the reason(s) are gone.? But I probably couldn't do it anyway, I wouldn't want to hurt my family.. I might consider it if I were terminally ill but I would talk to my family first to get their feelings about it..Health Question & Answer

It's not worth it.. Trust me I've tried 4 times your when others found out (wretched mother telling relatives)it wasn't pretty.. Your family and friends would be heart-broken......

What pushed me over the edge was just pure anxiety making life "not worth living".. I think I was just on the wrong meds..Health Question & Answer

Well - NOBODY knows what happens after this - so NOBODY can say if it's "worth it" or not..

Even if my life went to hell - I would never do it - because I have LOTS of loved ones - and I would not want to hurt them..Health Question & Answer

suicide ,if u not thinking about it ,u need 2 see a doctor,get some valium and a anti -depression,get some meds ,live as long as u can,if u think it is bad,their always someone worseHealth Question & Answer

Let's ask some people who have killed themselves if suicide is worth it...... oh wait, we can't cuz their dead.. Of course it's not worth it.. There is nothing that could happen that would make me consider killing myself..Health Question & Answer

I think when your life is full of adversities that cause you to consider suicide then you should cinch the belt tighter and push the adversity back in its place.. Don't let life beat you.. Health Question & Answer

Nope,it's so not worth it..Why do something like that and have your family grieving and thinking that its something that they did.?Health Question & Answer

you kill yourself out of misery, your just gonna bring more misery into your aftr lifeHealth Question & Answer

it all depends on what they really are going through, i am suicidal but am trying to carry onHealth Question & Answer

life will always get better and the hard times will pass, so no it is not worth it.. Health Question & Answer

there are hotlines call them, people should NEVER feel suicidal..Health Question & Answer

Probably but its too scary for me and it true i don't have enough guts Health Question & Answer

the only thing that would make me consider is if my two small children were to go before meHealth Question & Answer

Everyone's been at their wits end, but I always want to see what's going to happen next.. Health Question & Answer

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