Ever since i started getting depressed I've found it harder to put things into words, is this normal?!

Question: Ever since i started getting depressed I've found it harder to put things into words, is this normal.?
I'm not on any meds, and never have been..
also, any suggestions on how I can reverse this effect of depression, or does it slowly decay as your depression does.?Health Question & Answer

Yes, that's normal with depression - also things like driving down a street and saying to yourself, "Where the heck am I.?"

I've been taking Wellbutrin SR (150 mg) in the morning, and Lexapro (10 mg) in the evening, for depression.. I've been taking that for over a year and a half - and it's worked great for me.. I really wish I'd gotten help a lot sooner..

Depression is a weird thing - something I never thought in my wildest dreams I'd ever have.. And, it's scary, too.. But it's something that can be fixed, with medication and therapy.. The medication will help you feel better, and the therapy will help get to the "root causes" of the depression..

Best of Luck to you :-)
Paul..Health Question & Answer

Totally typical - that's one of the ways my wife notices when I'm getting depressed, actually.. I don't have enough problems with depression to feel that medication is worth it for me, but your case might be different.. Counseling helps some people a lot, others not as much..

Try meeting with a psychologist or psychiatrist a few times.. They can talk to you about ways to cope better.. Health Question & Answer

Pseudodementia can be a side effect of severe depression.. It includes memory loss and general fogginess.. You can't begin to reverse these side effects until you start treating the depression.. With medication, it may take up to a year to get back to your normal self.. It depends on how long you've lived with the depression..
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I have mental problems too-- clinical depression and dysthymia, if you can relate to those-- and when it all first started hitting me, I found things harder to put into words, too, but it did get better eventually.. The way I was able to get past it was to start intentionally writing things down, started writing poetry and stories, things that require a lot of definition and description.. Of course, I still have my problems, they haven't gone away, but I'm a much better writer than I used to be, and people have an easier time understanding me as well......

And well, what worked for me might not work for you, but it's what I did, and it did work.. I don't know what if writing is a strength or a weakness for you, but maybe getting a little practice might help.. I dunno...... give it a shot.. It can't hurt to at least try..Health Question & Answer

Yes, it's normal, if you're depressed.. But it's not good..

Try antidepressants for 6-12 months.. During that time, Cognitive Behavior Therapy with a licensed psychologist can help..
Health Question & Answer

Talk it out, go to therapy..
Finding the right dosage and medicines can help, too.. Go to your doctor..
Lexapro might even help..
Don't be afraid to say "I'm depressed"
Realize it, accept it and want to change itHealth Question & Answer

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