I think i want to take my own life sometimes and im scared?!

Question: I think i want to take my own life sometimes and im scared.?
I'm 18 years old and i have had a lot of bad things happen to me in my life so far but recently i feel i have no direction and nothing to hold close to myself, can anyone suggest what i can do because this is becoming a little to much......sorry for the trouble but thanksHealth Question & Answer

Do not be discouraged..
Many people through this and have times when they feel this
way.. There are amazing treatments and therapies out there
now days that can get you through this kind of trouble and
help you get back to a normal and happy life.. Their are some
highly effective medications you can get under a doctors care..
It is never worth taking your life.. You are looking at the world
through a cloud right now.. It is never what it seems when you
are under the fog of depressions.. The right medication and
counseling will allow that fog to lift and you will be SO GLAD
you did not end your life.. There is so much to experience.. So
many things out there worth living for you just can't see it right
now due to an illness.. Now days this illness is very treatable
and you will have a happy and productive life as soon as you
start getting treatment.. Call a suicide hot line.. Tell them your story..
Ask where you can get treatment in your area.. In the meantime,
keep a journal of your feelings.. Write down the date and time
of each entry.. Write what your feeling at that time..
Panic, depression, afraid, worthless, etc.. Let the pen flow and get all your feelings onto paper.. This will not only relieve some pain but it
will be good to show your doctor so he can see the patterns of
your condition.. Another way to get out the anxiety in the meantime is go for a long run.. Vigorously exercise then write in your journal some more.. Get to a therapist.. Therapy can be the most amazing thing.. You will not only get well but you will live better than you ever have
before.. Be heartened "this too shall pass"..Health Question & Answer

I go thru phases of this and have attempted it before and i know everyone will say just go talk to someone and stuff and i tried that,but it didnt work for me so ive been desperately trying new ways.. What i would recommend, although i know its hard, is try and find something that gives you an aim and purpose and something you can get excited about when you are not feeling quite as bad then when yu feel yourself going down again at least you can think 'yeah well i have that to do and if i die i wont be able to do that'.. Im 17 and was feelin so **** earier this week but have decided to go and work in spain next summer holiday on my own and im really excited about it so now i can focus on that and try and ignore all the **** going on around me.. Sorry if this hasnt helped but if you want anyone to talk to who understands perfectly how your feelin then feel free to email me on kattayw@live..com xxHealth Question & Answer

Don't take your life.. and it is no trouble to answer.. G-d put you on earth for a reason and that is for you to stay here ;].. Everyone gets feelings like that once in a while i am admitting that life can really really suck at times.. There are bumps in the road and it seems that you are hitting one.. You still have a bright future ahead of you.. Once you go you can't come back i doubt thats what you want.. You are just depressed.. If you need someone to talk to you, you can email me @ stephrubenfeld@yahoo..com ill be happy to talk ;]Health Question & Answer

GET HELP.. Talk to a psychiatrist or therapist.. If you don't have medical insurance and you don't have money to pay for either of these, walk into any local church and ask to speak to a counselor.. Don't ignore this problem and hope it goes away -- do something about it NOW..Health Question & Answer

talk to me, we can be friends =]
amf4134@yahoo..com is my email..
please don't kill yourself....
Health Question & Answer

please dont take your own life.. get help.. talk to a trusted adult..Health Question & Answer

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