Why do people with Downs Syndrome look alike?!

Question: Why do people with Downs Syndrome look alike.?
Not to be rude or anything, I just always wonder why people with similar conditions tend to look alike, also the TLC show about Primordial dwarfism had people who looked similar..

And what exactly is downs syndrome.?

Thanks!Health Question & Answer

people with down syndrome have an EXTRA chromosome usually it is on the 21st pair that is why it is called Trisomy 21.. there are common characteristics of DS which in some people make them look similar.. but not all people with down syndrome have all of the same characteristics......some have a lot, while others may only have a few.. they do inherit the characteristics of their parents as well..
then there is Mosaics DS where they do not have any of the common characteristics because their extra chromosome is only on certain cells..
down syndrome is a random anomaly that occurs throughout the population......in fact 1 in 730 live births is a child with down syndrome.. it can happen to any woman at any age, but the risks do increase with the mothers age..
Health Question & Answer

yea down syndrome is caused beacause a person has an extra chromosome then a normal person........people have 23 paires of chromosomes(sells) 23 from the mother 23 from the father......but a down syndrome baby has and extra chromosome so instead of 2 chromosomes togather he has 3 (lol if tht makes sence :P )Health Question & Answer

Start here:

.wikipedia..org/wiki/Down_syndrome" rel="nofollow">http://en..wikipedia..org/wiki/Down_syndro......
.howstuffworks..com/down-syndrome-dictionary..htm" rel="nofollow">http://healthguide..howstuffworks..com/dow......

Actually, Down syndrome is caused by an extra chromosome not a lack of one..Health Question & Answer

no its not rude.. People with downsydrome are all missing a chromosome so thats why they all look alike and have the same problems..Health Question & Answer

They are one chromosome short in each of their cells......That's why they look like aliens..Health Question & Answer

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