If there's a low self esteem problem, I've got it?!

Question: If there's a low self esteem problem, I've got it.?
I don't know how to get over my low self esteem..

-I don't like anything about myself
-I'm really shy, and I can't talk to boys because I'm afraid they're judging me or something.. And If I do, I feel so uncomfortable, like I just want to run home and put a bag over my head..
-I never believe compliments..
-I'm incredibly self - conscious

I'm always worrying about what people think of me..

What can I do to boost my self esteem.? I can't even look people in the eyes..
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Google it
Join forums (you can find on google as well) you are not alone, trust me!

I know this sounds strange, but low self esteem is often accompanied by too much focus on the self.. Doing something that absorbs you and holds your attention can quickly make you feel better..

If you are feeling low, anxious or lacking in confidence, the first thing to do is to stop thinking and relax properly.. Some people do this by exercising, others by involving themselves in something that occupies their mind..

This can be difficult at first, but after a while, you'll develop a handy mental list of self-esteem boosting memories.. And if you're thinking "But I've never achieved anything", I'm not talking about climbing Everest here..

Things like passing your driving test (despite being nervous), passing exams (despite doubting that you would), playing team sport, getting fit (even if you let it slip later), saving money for something, trying to help someone (even if it didn't work) and so on..

If you are feeling bad about yourself, remember that you way you feel affects your thoughts, memory and behavior.. So when you feel bad, you will only remember the bad times, and will tend to be pessimistic about yourself.. This is where the tip 'Get Seriously Relaxed' comes in!

Use affirmations: positive statements you can say to empower you.. They are important in the process for building your self esteem and a good habit to implement in your life..

Stop comparing with others: this is a low self esteem Sign and a bad habit..

Set goals and write your life dreams..

Identify your fears and confront them..

Start loving yourself for who you are.. These are the cards you have been dealt so you have to play your hand.. We all have something about ourselves we don't like.. But focus on the good and not the bad.. If there is something you don't like, work on changing it.. You won't be comfortable until you accept yourself, as hard as it sounds..

If you cannot work through it yourself you can see a counselor who can help you work through it.. You will miss out on life when you don't like who you are..Health Question & Answer

Well you already know ur problems and whats wrong so u already got over a big big major step!
You know that u dont believe compliments even tho most are likely completely sincere and honest..
but other than that lots of other girls go through this! I struggled with horrible self confidence for the longest time and i still do! The worst part was i thought nothing was wrong! My friends helped me get over it and for the most part i had to get over it myself! I acted as confident a possible and tried being cocky with the outfits i wore and how i looked the more outageous i dressed the more open i was to criticism and people ended up liking ow i looked! it's all in ur head just be strong and you WILL get through it!(i had to fake it for the longest time though and eventually it was natural for me t feel good about myself!Health Question & Answer

smiling is a good confidence booster, when you smile people will want to approach you, also think that many people are just as nervous as you are when socializing which wont make you fill alone, cause you're not.. also look in the mirror and find five positive things about yourself whether they're mental or physical, and flaunt them, also realize that life is too short for constantly worrying about what others think, live your life and have fun no matter who's with you..Health Question & Answer

Remember that no one is all that important to care about what they think of you.. Break the shell and be yourself.. You don't state your age but I was very much what you describe in high school.. All that's over.. I'm a very out going girl.. Imagine that those people you're worried about feel the same way.. And if they judge you, they're jerks anyway, who needs 'em..Health Question & Answer

tell urself u are beautiful and lovely the way you are.. trust me there are guys out there that would like u.. people probably dont complement you because they do not know u well enough.. You have to break out of being shy because if u dont believe in urself first others wouldnt.. try things you are good at, many people start from there and break out of their shell because they able to bond with people who have the same interests..Health Question & Answer

just tell yourself
"I don't care" to everything.. like who cares what they think of you, its not like its gonna affect your life in the future, unless you let it affect your life by letting all this get to you .? sooo you shouldnt care so much and focus on what you love and just stick to it.. What they think isnt valid cause obviously they suck anywayHealth Question & Answer

The only thing that I can offer you as consolance, i'm not even sure if that is a word......, is that when I felt depressed I looked at my life and realised that my relationship with Jesus Christ was on the fritz.. He died on the cross for our sins meaning that he loves and accepts us the way we are.. I would say that you should add Jesus into your life, its not a religion but a relationship and it will definitely boost your self esteem.. If you wanna know more email me veritasvincit20@yahoo..com

btw, I am a 16 year old guy so theoretically you're talking to a boy who is not judging you.. :)
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Life is too short to care what other people think.. You need to learn that you are number 1.. if you learn to think about yourself first nothing else matters..After you start thinking that way people will start to notice you more..& people will start to believe in you..Health Question & Answer

I like something about you and I don't know you.. You're intelligent.. Health Question & Answer

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