Why do people refuse to shut up about their political beliefs, even after you've told them to stop?!

Question: Why do people refuse to shut up about their political beliefs, even after you've told them to stop.?
I don't care if you're a liberal, conservative, or a Vulcan.. When I tell you that I'm not interested in discussing politics, I mean it.. It is not a friendly suggestion.. When I say stop, you need to stop..

Why do these types keep at you, with their rhetoric and other whiny beliefs.? Do they honestly think that they have some new point-of-view that you haven't heard.? Are they insecure, and babbling about politics makes them feel important.?Health Question & Answer

Because they're so into what they believe, it's like verbal diahrea.. They must get their point across because it's just too important not to have a voice.. It can be an integral part of their personal identity..
Some people want nothing more than to try to 'enlighten' others..Health Question & Answer

People enjoy hearing their own voices and are under the impression that everyone else is in love with their voices, too.. They also feel that their ideas are so important and obvious that others are waiting with bated breath to hear what they have to say..
You make a good point; some of these people feel that the sound of their voices makes them important..
I feel that everyone has the right to: a) have an opinion, and b) express that opinion.. However, the rest of us have the right to: a) not listen and b) not be forced to listen.. WALK AWAY and no one gets hurt..Health Question & Answer

Just like the religious zealots,they think they can 'win' you over! ;-(=Health Question & Answer

Is this under mental health because it drives you nuts or because your crazy.?Health Question & Answer

I think they just really want you to understand they're point of view when really you dont care!
:]]Health Question & Answer

When the discussion is uninvited its just abuse.. Punch them in the throat!Health Question & Answer

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