I'm scared that I will fall into the same habit!?!

Question: I'm scared that I will fall into the same habit!.?
Last year I basically didn't eat towards the end of the school year.... like never at school and hardly at home.... In some way it made me feel better about not putting stuff in my mouth, even though I don't need to deprive myself from food, as I am a good weight and exercise daily..

I hardly ate, and was starving.. I was showing early signs of anorexia [ie: no regular periods, hair loss, mood swings, etc.... ]

I just started school today and I'm worried that I will start depriving myself from food once again.... I kinda don't like to eat in front of people.... The most I will eat are those little granola bites....

What can I do and should I talk to my guidance counsellor.... I kinda have a hard time opening up to people...... I just don't want to fall into old habits....

HELP!Health Question & Answer

Women who have been treated for the eating disorder, anorexia , are still at significant risk of suffering a relapse up to two years after their weight has been restored, the results of a new study indicate..

Anorexia is characterised by an obsessive desire to lose weight and dissatisfaction with body weight and shape.. Extreme weight loss is achieved by excessive dieting, the use of laxatives or diuretics, self-induced vomiting and exercise..

Previous research has indicated that a relapse following treatment is more likely to occur within the first year..

So how do you prevent eating disorder relapses.? Realize that a relapse can come on quickly by the smallest trigger, and that not just one trigger can cause a relapse.. Anything from stress from school or your family, to coping with something that a friend is going through, to having just talked about a difficult thing that occurred in your life with a therapist can trigger the onset of an eating disorder relapse.. Recognize ahead of time the things that could trigger you to a relapse.. Here are some things that I've noticed tend to trigger relapses within myself and those who I know:

Mid-terms and finals at school, or any major exams that are in the near future..
Increasing pressure from family or problems with them are increasing..
Going through a painful break-up with a girlfriend or boyfriend, or being rejected..
Problems with a husband or wife,a girlfriend or boyfriend
Problems at work..
A competition in a sport coming up (spec.. gymnastics, ballet and/or dance)
The loss of a friend or family member..
Having a friend that is going through a rough time..
Recently talking to a therapist about past trauma (sexual/mental/physical abuse, rape, etc..)
Just being released from inpatient treatment..
Being around those that are engrossed with their own eating disorders while you are trying to recover..
Believing that you are fully recovered when there are still underlying issues that have not been properly dealt with in a non-destructive way..
and Fear of recovering..

Sometimes what helps people from relapsing is making a list of things they can do instead of starving or purging.. Things like cleaning, playing with an animal, going on the computer, talking with a friend, going camping, listening to your favorite CD, and so on can help..

Just like with an eating disorder, recovery from an eating disorder is not about perfection.. No one recovery is perfect and never will be.. Don't beat yourself up for any relapses that you have.. Instead, look at your progress and the good days, and congratulate yourself for those..=)

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