Is this right because im confused!?!

Question: Is this right because im confused!.?
So went to my psychiatrist today she finally gave me a diagnoses of depression and anxiety but i don't get it i told her about the voices in my head and about the bugs i always see that ain't really there, and then she goes well at this moment i can only give you prozac for your meds and see how that goes if it stops the voices and bugs with the depression and anxiety, But how can this be when its only for depression and anxiety..

She knows fully well that i toke an overdose not long ago because what i was hearing and that..
and she has still put me on prozac and which will start working in a month so why this is what i don't get ..
Can any of you explain because im quiet puzzled why she is giving me prozac and which takes a month to work when I'm literally suicidal because of these voices, and now i have to wait a whole month to see if it works or not..

Health Question & Answer

Yes.. Get a second opinion..

Unfortunately though, with a lot of meds, they do take quite a few weeks to kick in.. They can sorta start working within a week but to get the full benefits from the drug, can take up to 4-6 depending on the anti depressant.. i think anti-psychotics and anti-anxiety meds work a helluva lot quicker.. But all the other stuff, takes a while cos you are working to actually change the brain..

Prozac isn't the answer for everything.... some doctors seem to just dish it out like lollies.. See a different doc and be open and honest.. It's sometimes good to write down exactly what you are feeling, hearing and seeing before your appointment because if you have my problem, I get to my psych sometimes and forget what I wanted to say! So having that bit of paper with notes always helps.. You can even just give the paper to your doctor if you are nervous..

Further more, without sounding clinical, if you are feeling suicidal, it may be best to get yourself temporarily hospitalised while you're waiting for these meds to kick in, especially if you are hearing the voices etc.. I only say this not to make you feel crazy or insane, but just for your own safety and have someone watch over you.. There is nothing wrong with spending a few days in the hospital, just to make sure you're ok.. Otherwise, your parents need to be around til this passes.. Your doctor should have noticed this, it is their responsibility to prevent such incidents, after all you turned to this person for help..

All the best..Health Question & Answer

It might be an idea to get a second opinion..

Depression can have psychotic symptoms when it gets very severe, so it is possible that the prozac will be enough to get rid of the voices.. If the voices make you very suicidal before the month is up, make sure you either go back to her or call a crisis team.. If after the month is up the prozac has not worked at all, go back to your psychiatrist to review your treatment Health Question & Answer

Consider that antipsychotic meds are very strong, serious business.. this is why she's proceeding with caution.. give it time, trust the process and don't wack yourself before you see if it works, please.. Since you clearly understand that the voices are the product of your mental illness, you should be able to see yourself through this.. If in one month you're still hearing voices, see her immediately and insist on the proper diagnosis..Health Question & Answer

I agree with the person above, i would get a second opinion.. doctors often go for the easy way so you may want to check with someone else.. Depression/anxiety meds do a lot of different things though to help balance the chemicals in your brain, so maybe even though prozac doesn't come right out and say they treat voices and hallucinations, maybe they will help, you just should try it for 2-3 weeks to give it a chance.. I am on prozac and it took about that long for me to start feeling any effects.. Health Question & Answer

Doesn't sound like your psychiatrist is very sharp..

Your issue has little to do with depression (prozac).. She should maybe be prescribing olanzipene for schizophrenia and anxiety..

I'd almost say forget about her, and don't take anything you don't think is necessary, Prozac will not do anything for your problem.. If anything at all it might help numb things out a bit..

Hang in thereHealth Question & Answer

you have to be open and honest about everything to your doctor or else they wont know what to perscribe youHealth Question & Answer

I too have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety.. But I don't see bugs or things that aren't there.. Maybe voices sometimes.. And wake up hearing twisted clown music.. But anyway......

Maybe she's right and that's just some symptoms that happen to you.?
Or maybe she's not right for you and you need a second opinion.? Don't go gambling with your mental health because you're fragile at the moment.. If i were you I'd ask her about it and if she doesn't give you a real answer then get a second opinion..Health Question & Answer

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