I get paralysed after I've woken up from sleeping?!

Question: I get paralysed after I've woken up from sleeping.?
Before this occurs, I would have a very vivid dream.. Then before I awake strange, aggressive music or a weird noise gets louder and louder until it fills my head and hurts so bad that my head explode.. Next second I'm awake and totally paralysed.. I can't move or shout for help while in this condition so I hyperventilate.. I really hate having this happening to me so I would like some information, or the publics opinion on what is going on..
Thank You..Health Question & Answer

You are not having a panic attck or astral projection, but rather, you have a condition called sleep paralysis.. I had this, and just like you, I would wake up suddenly, and could hear everything going on around me, but I couldn't move or even breath.. I felt trapped inside my own body and like I was going to die.. Like you, I wanted to scream for help, but I couldn't.. It was scary as hell!!! When I would tell people about this, they didn't believe me..

This can be caused by sleep apnea, a condition where your breathing is constantly interrupted while you sleep.. It can also be caused by stress or amphetamine abuse.. It is basically due to a temporary disconnect between your body and brain..

Here are some links: .medterms..com/script/main/art..asp.?articlekey=9806" rel="nofollow">http://www..medterms..com/script/main/art........

.wikipedia..org/wiki/Sleep_paralysis" rel="nofollow">http://en..wikipedia..org/wiki/Sleep_paral......

Check out the Wikipedia article, as I've been searching online for you and it seems to be the best article by far!

Good luck with this, I know it's very scary!Health Question & Answer

Astral Projection.. I don't know if you're ever heard of this before and it may sound totally strange to you especially if you don't believe in the paranormal.. But you have as astral body as well as a physical body.. When you dream your astral body dis connects from your physical body and this is what you remember when you wake up.. There is a silver string type material that connects these two bodies when they separate.. When you wake up like that one of two things might have happened.. You could have suddenly woken up to a noise you unconsciously heard and that startled you awake or something bad could have happened in the dream which would have startled your physical body into consciousness and you will be paralized for anywhere from 5 seconds to a couple minutes.. After that time you'll be able to get up.. Whether or not you believe this is up to you but the same thing happened to me until I learned how to astral project and now I can control when my astral body gets back to my physical body.. Hope this helped you some and you don't take me as a total weirdo..Health Question & Answer

It sounds like you are having panic attacks.. Although they are not deadly, they can feel like heart attacks.. The average panic attack only lasts fifteen minutes, so just remember that you will be okay.. If this happens frequently, try Zoloft.. It helps with panic attacks, anxiety, and OCD great!Health Question & Answer

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