I feel weird when I wake up early for no reason?!

Question: I feel weird when I wake up early for no reason.?
I'm a huge night owl who doesn't go to bed until like 3 or 4 in the morning and then sleeps in all day on her days off.. The good news is that this habit doesn't cause me to be late for work or school--I can still get up early when necessary.. You see, as of last night, I started working to get into the habit of getting up earlier for no reason cause I kept hearing how morning people have a better mood and tend to make more money at their jobs--heard about this on Web MD, that morning people are more successful, cause society is 9 to 5.. Anyway, I didn't get tired last night until 3:30am, and I didn't have to be anywhere today.. So to kick start my new habit, I got up earlier today for no reason, at about 9:00am.. When I got up, I felt really weird and p*ssed off and started freaking out about being bored, and kept falling back asleep.. Is this normal at first.? Should I just give this more time and keep at this so that my body will finally get its butt out of bed for no reason.? How much more practice would I need.?
Oh, yeah, I won't take sleeping pills to get out of my bad habit cause they can be addicting and make things worse.. I like to do this myself, naturally.. Thanks.. Health Question & Answer

As you mentioned.. Your body will eventually(hopefully) get used to the new schedule.. Give it some time.. Repeating this habit is important.. I heard in an article that, people who keep their habits the same for a period of 20 days(a month) will ingrain that habit for good..Health Question & Answer

set your alarm for 9 am everyday and get out of bed when it goes off.. no going back to sleep even if you are tired.. then at night you will be tired at an "appropriate hour".. after awhile you will start habitually living in daylight hours like natural day-walkers and realize they are out of their minds.. Health Question & Answer

I was reading this question and felt like i was reading my own thoughts...... You sound as if you have the same exact sleep issues that I do.... Same pattern, but im a bartender and i work 12 to 7.. Its hard for me too but most of it is laziness.. Are you depressed perhaps or do you indulge in mary juanna.? lol Not making fun of you just some ideas :) My answer would be to pick up a habit to do in between the dead time.. I picked up a couple and its better than watching TV and falling back asleep! I wake up and watch and fall back asleep all the time.. So just try something you like to do......Health Question & Answer

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