HELP please. what do you think happened in this situation????!

Question: HELP please.. what do you think happened in this situation.?.?.?.?
basically its about how i started to isolate myself from people around me especially people who are very close to me.. it started this MAY, when i realized that something is wrong with me...... so i started to analyze, seek for doctors even if i didn't want to, i purposely avoid going out w/ friends, and little by little i didn't realized that im starting to forget myself.. i mean im so busy analyzing myself i forgot myself.... and i didn't thought all these analyzing will take 4 months.?! until now im still not okay.... these all analyzing brought me to a different me.. i feel like im so different.. i feel like im now part of mentally ill people.. i just totally lost myself.. uggggh!! i dont know!!.... pls help.... Health Question & Answer

Sounds like anxious depression to me......a form of it.. I've definitely had those symptoms.. I'm not sure exactly how bad it is, but you may need a little help from an anti-depressant at this point.. Beyond that, start working towards going back to being the person you were before this happened.. Make a list of all the things you used to enjoy and start doing some every day.. It will feel totally abnormal for a while, but don't worry, you'll eventually start to feel normal again.. also, when you catch yourself analyzing, stop.. Bring yourself back to the present moment, or distract yourself with something that is stronger than the intensity of your mental process.. But I'd definitely talk to a doc about what you're experiencing.. I know how shitty it is.. I've had it.. also, check out for a recovery group in your area..

Health Question & Answer

I could honestly give you a very detailed answer, full of a range of possibilities.. Honestly, though, you should just schedule an appointment with a therapist.. Explain to them exactly what you are explaining here.. Print your question out and take it with you if necessary.. Don't stress yourself out worrying that you might be "mentally ill".. You are only going to make the situation worse.. The truth is, you could be suffering with anything from social phobia to generalized anxiety all the way to the beginnings of schizophrenia and every possibility in between.. Or your mind could just be reacting to a traumatic event or stressful situation, even if you didn't realize that the event affected you so much.. Just see someone - and there are a lot of options - therapists, counselors, psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists - you get the idea.. You may see one and he/she may refer you to another who is more likely to understand what is going on and be able to treat you.. The worst thing you can do is to keep isolating yourself and freaking out about this - you could turn a temporary problem into a more serious, long-lasting one.. Please seek professional help as well as keeping yourself around friends, family, etc.. Being around other people and interacting with them can help keep you tied to reality, so to speak..
In closing - I am really so tired of seeing people ask serious questions about their physical health and mental health to people here at Yahoo Answers.. I see question after question after question that people should be asking their doctors, not random people who've never met them and don't know the first thing about medicine or mental health.. It's like asking the guy at the grocery store if you have cancer...... he doesn't know..
My point is, please just seek professional help.. No one here can truly help you.. They can give you advice, and it may even be good advice or great advice, but you still need to have a lifeline, so to speak, with someone locally..Health Question & Answer

try looking up social-phobia,agoraphobia and compulsive thoughts on the web see if any of these sound like you if so visit your doctor or call him out to you if you cant stand the surgery practise..You really have to try to stop analysing yourself,you are the one person who cannot give a true analysis of yourself as you will always be biased and see only negative things not the true you which will only dent your confidence even more and compound your you do things like not answering the door and phone or keeping your windows shut so no one will know your in and knock the door.. these are all signs of the above mentioned,it doesn't mean your going crazy it just means you cant really cope with what the outside world is offering..take good care ..Health Question & Answer

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