Others feeling hopeless?!

Question: Others feeling hopeless.?
Right now, I'm going through a really bad...... mood, I guess you could call it..

I feel incredibly insecure, and I feel like I hate myself.. I go through these every so often, and I know it's not so abnormal, but I just need the affirmation that other people feel this..

Do you ever just look in the mirror and cry over what you see.? Or feel so hopeless like you may never accomplish what you want in life.?

I know I'm not depressed, just going through a hard time right now, for no obvious reason......Health Question & Answer

Yes finally someone I can relate to..

This is completely normal to those of us who strive for more and are left empty handed..

I sit on the floor contemplating my life and worry and stress about what I have to do and I feel hopeless every time because I know I am wasting time everyday doing nothing..

My Solution: I sit around listening to music--any music doesn't have to be sad music but it can be.. I make a list of what makes me happy.. It is called the Jessie List.. I try to write as many things and reflect.. If I am so bold I will do some of them till my smile comes back..

But honestly, you don't need to be around people to be happy so stay away from hanging out with friends that wouldn't understand you..

Hope it helps but really try the list thing..

-JHealth Question & Answer

You are right.. Everyone has a bad day.. But when the bad day happens often, it should be looked into.. Stress can do strange things to our physical and mental health.. We may not even realize it.. I am a firm believer that our bodies give us warnings when things are slightly off.. For this reason, it is good to see a doctor to make sure that it is not something physical that is causing any problems mentally or something mental that is causing physical problems.. One needs to know what the problem is in order to solve it..

Times are difficult now.. Many people are either losing their jobs or their homes.. Life is to precious.. Two years ago I had a heart, lung and brain infection.. I was in a coma for 4 weeks.. When I awoke I was on a ventilator and was sent to a rehab center where I stayed to 6 months.. I had to relearn how to write, walk and talk.. It was not easy..
But the alternative was not an option..

Too many people love you and would be sad to see you unhappy..

This I know from very personal experience.. Health Question & Answer

this actually part of being human....
i do have to agree that music is a great "escape" towards these things..

But i think that the best thing to do, is appreciate yourself.. We are all humans, and we have a lot of advantages..
Think of all the good things in life
freedom-indeed is a good example
you can alwalys conversate with people, talk whatever you want,
and travel where ever you like
Be thankful for what you have
stop overlimiting high expectations, and just live with what you have..
just live it up =]
please do not feel like this..
Watch a funny movie if you want, to make you feel better
remember that you van be anything you want in life
you just have to do it......
in reality, there really isnt anyone to put you down
only your consequences
will matter if there is any....Health Question & Answer

i can relate to your feelings.. the best advice i can offer you is find something small that you do like and focus on that.. maybe its your eyes, or a dimple in your cheek, or the necklace you are wearing.. something positive, lastly live for todayHealth Question & Answer

everyone goes through ythose times.. talk to people that you trust and stay away from alchohol and junk food..Health Question & Answer

I feel the same way..Health Question & Answer

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