First answer gets 10 points!!!?!

Question: First answer gets 10 points!!!.?
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How do you fall asleep if you are not tired.?.?Health Question & Answer

1.. Exercise to trigger tiredness.. If you wish to, try doing it more than three hours before you should go to bed or later if you just want to exhaust yourself, but don't overdo it.. (NOTE: you shouldn't do this right before you go to sleep.. Just let the energy out and recognize when it's the right time to stop..
2.. Avoid sitting in front of your computer.. It strains your eyes and doesn't let your brain get rest..
3.. Consult a doctor for a prescription of Tylenol or other similar sleeping pills to make you feel drowsy (NOTE: This should not be done without consulting a doctor first for any risks)..
4.. Drink some warm milk.. Take a microwavable coffee cup and fill it about 3/4 full.. Microwave it for about ten seconds.. Gently stir and and drink.. The warmth will make you feel ready for bed..
5.. Put some quiet music on.. It could be classical, opera, or even alternative rock.. Just make sure that it is at the right volume..
6.. Turn off all the lights.. You can leave a bit of light on, but make sure that it doesn't bother you when you close your eyes..
7.. Relax.. Sometimes we simply can't sleep because we have a lot on our minds.. Clear your mind and let your thoughts wander aimlessly.. Try to think in mental pictures instead of words as well..
8.. Remove anything uncomfortable.. If some of your clothing feels tight or uncomfortable, don't hesitate on loosening it or taking it off.. That includes hair bands, socks, and anything else that might feel like it's not letting your blood circulation run freely..
9.. Read a textbook.. If you could fall asleep that easily in class, then you can do the same at home (subjects of least interest works best, obviously)..
10.. Fix your sleeping position.. If you pay attention to how you sleep, you might notice yourself doing something that isn't good for your posture.. Keep your back straight and and make sure that your neck isn't rested too high or too low..
* Make your bed more comfortable (i..e.. add a pillow or change your sheets)..
* If you put on music, consider using headphones.. It will warm your ears and let you adjust the volume so it won't disturb others.. Turning on the radio might not be that great of an idea, because they tend to change from quiet to loud songs fairly quickly and that might wake you up..
* If you'd rather not drink warm milk, a cup of decaffeinated tea will help.. Lavender or Chamomile tea are the best because they are relaxing comforting herbs..

Allright that's more then 200 words ...... where`s my 10 points !Health Question & Answer

I don't want the ten points.. I only want to ask......if you are not tired, why are you trying to force yourself to go to sleep.? The body knows when it needs sleep and it lets you know.. Don't force sleep, it will only lead to a restless sleep rather than a deep and peaceful sleep.. The human body only requires 5 to 6 hours of restful sleep to function at peak capacity.. If you are trying to establish a set time for bed, avoid things that would delay sleep such as caffeine, stress etc.. That may help..Health Question & Answer

Okay...... Close your eyes, put on some music, think of something really soothing.. Don't think about something that bothers you or makes you angry, but if you have a problem you're struggling with, that would be alright.. If I don't do anything for a while I usually go into a meditative state, and then sleep isn't that far off..Health Question & Answer

Try sitting in a dark quiet room, watch TV or read before you go to bed.. I always listen to music as I fall asleep, but this keeps some people up.. also try not eating sugary foods before you go to bed.. You'll probably get to sleep faster laying on your stomach, so try that.. Hope this helps...... : )Health Question & Answer

You could fall asleep without being tired if you drink too much, taking sleeping medication, or get hit over the head.. Some call it fainting, passing out, ect.. But sleeping is being unconscious so its pretty much the same, right.?Health Question & Answer

drink some warm choclate milk and then just lay down and close ur eye ull get sleepy in no time!!!!!!!!!

~SierraHealth Question & Answer

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