Anti anxiety meds and post partum depression?!

Question: Anti anxiety meds and post partum depression.?
I have been on every anti anxiety med in the book..
My best sucess was when I was on Ativan "as needed" (30 1mg pills lasted about 6 mo- i took ..5mg) and Zoloft daily (100mg)..
I am currently just on Zoloft (went off ativan obviously when i was pregnant)..
I am 6 months post partum and really down.. I am experience off the chart levels of anxiety.. I generally can't even focus on the task of eating a meal because I am so consumed by anxiety.. I have an appt in a few weeks, but I've moved so it's with a new provider.. I dont know an efficient way to tell this new provider that I'd like to go back to the meds that were most successful to me.? I'm hesitant because lorazepam is such an abused and addicted drug that they'll think I want it for the wrong purpose......
but i dont want to risk a whole year of "trial and error" while some new provider tries to figure out what is best for me when i've been through that before..Health Question & Answer

I'm sorry you have so much anxiety.. I have experienced this type of thing in the past.. The only med that really has ever given me any relief is xanax but its not easy to get my doc to prescribe them for me.. She has prescribed Paxil , Zoloft, and a few others but they just make me feel loopy and do nothing for my anxiety.. I told her after 20 years of this I know what works for me and what doesn't.. She went ahead and prescribed the xanax.. I don't need them regularly anymore but I still like to have them handy just in case..

You really need to be assertive with your doctors, tell them exactly what you need and what works best for you ...... you can stay open to any suggestions they may have but if you explain it just as you did in your question here you should not have any problems..

Hang In There........ Health Question & Answer

Dont worry aobu tthe errors.. as u can see i suck at typing lol :) but yeah it is abused, but if you can control it you deserve it.. i cant control it, and i told my doctors this so id ont have it anymore.. i used to take 6mg daily of ativan, and being off of it is hell.. just tell him your medical history and he should understandHealth Question & Answer

Refer your new provider to your old one and make sure that they are able to exchange information between them.. Then ask to be placed on lorazepam and give some very good reasons for it..Health Question & Answer

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