What will happen if I continue like this?!

Question: What will happen if I continue like this.?
This is the second day that I haven't eaten anything, i'm having conflict in my head about having something to eat, but I keep hearing this voice that tells me I can't.. I had an apple 2 days ago but didn't have anything for 2 days before that.. What will happen if i don't have anything to eat in the next couple of days.? What will happen to my body.? I don't feel I can talk to anyone about this and i'm struggling to even think about having something to eat..

Serious answers only please..Health Question & Answer

You have to eat to live, if you don't, you will die, and this IS a serious answer.. Nobody on earth can say anything to all of the sudden make NO food intake be healthy or OK.. You're human so you have to abide by the rules we all do, namely, to breathe air, drink water, and eat food in order to live.. Sounds like there are some deeper issues here besides just the food.. What is this "voice" you're talking about.? Is it an actual voice you are hearing or is it just the name you gave to your desire not to eat anything.? If you're hearing voices for real, you definitely need to go to a psychiatrist.. How about looking for healthy foods, like unprocessed foods low in sugar.? Eat lean protein and vegetables and fruit.. You should eat four to five times a day, and a varitey of healthy foods.. Why are you punishing yourself like this.? What for.? What is more important than your health.?.?

I read some of your old posts and you seem to be struggling with several things.. You said you had an appointment with a psychiatrist.? How did that go.? Why are you STILL not eating.? And pins and needles is a symptom of poor blood circulation related to poor diet; you need to eat! And if you are on any type of anti depressant you shouldn't be drinking alcohol, and getting short of breath from it also means you are not taking in enough nutrients for your body to be proparly balanced, so you shouldn't add alcohol to the mix at all!

Take care of yourself; why do you dislike yourself so much that you are hurting your own body like this.? Do what's GOOD and nurturing for your body.. Whoever in your life screwed you over deserves your anger; don't turn it onto yourself.. You've been through enough; it's time to take care of yourself..Health Question & Answer

You must reach out and talk to someone but, not before you give your body some nutrition.. If you continue to starve yourself you will stop being able to function and your organs will start to shut down.. It would be best to start caring for yourself by admitting your problem and having some control over choosing someone to help you..If you continue to not eat you will end up hospitalized..,which maybe you need if you are in deep crisis.. don't wait-if you feel you can't care for yourself you need to reach out to family so that they can help you get to help or call a crisis hotline and they can give you the information on what to do next..Please get help today..Health Question & Answer

What will happen is that your body will start to convert any extra nutrition in your body into fat (it thinks you are dying so its trying to insulate your body).. also your body will start to "eat" away at your muscles, since your not giving it anything to digest.. Since you are having an internal conflict I would honestly suggest counselling.. Don't worry they are not scary, that wont tell anyone, they are amazing to talk to........like a best friend you havn't found yet :) also, researching healthy eating habits might help you in your struggle.. Understanding what is really really good to put into your body and what you should avoid might help.. Good luck, and find someone you can talk to! You are not alone.. Trust me!Health Question & Answer

Nutrition has always been a guaranteed science, what will happen with just eating fruit, your body will at first cleans itself, then the real truth will begin if you don't go back to eating normal, your teeth will start to loosen and begin to decay, your stools will become very hard and impassable.. head aches will be the norm, hallucinations will then follow, you could have have the start of macro degeneration, and possibly loose your sight, and or liver failure and fallowing heart and blood pressure.. low blood pressure is very dangerous more so than high bp, if i were you i would seek professional help fast, this condition and the lac of nutrition can cause your hair to fall out.. skin wrinkling sooner than you wish.. but other than that not really much..Health Question & Answer

Wow.. Well you should eat something or your body will start to shut down.. Do you think you could possibly be anorexic or did something traumatic just happen to you recently.? If its the latter just try and eat something like a power bar or a smoothie.. If you think you are anorexic you should really consider speaking to someone.. My cousin was so anorexic her hair started to fall out and she can't have kids now,,,,her period stopped for 3 years.. Finally she got help and now is healthy and HAPPY! good luck hunHealth Question & Answer

I am so sorry you are feeling bad and have had so much hurt in your life.. However, you do NOT have to obey the voices in your head.. Next time you hear them, just tell them to stop.. Even if you have to say it out loud : "Stop it".. This actually works pretty well..
Be your own best friend and do not allow other people to dump their blame on you.. I know it's hard, but you can do it..
I also think maybe you need to see a different doctor.. It sounds like your doctor was unhelpful..
I hope you are soon feeling better, dear.. Health Question & Answer

If you continue like this it will get worse.. You need to eat something.. You shouldn't be starving yourself because it is unhealthy and your body needs food.. You are not alone - lots of other people, even some celebrities, have gone through this.. I hope this helps and you feel better soon! : )Health Question & Answer

Hi, me again..
You know......in Islam this is the month of Ramadan.. and Muslims fast from sun-up to sun down, which can be from 5 am to 5 pm.. That would be a good excuse to continue on with this, cause it would be honoring God.. Don't let what you do go to waste.. If becoming anorexic is the way you feel this problem will be solved, then go ahead......but you yourself know what needs to be done, noone elseHealth Question & Answer

You have probably already lost all your energy.. You will likely become depressed.. Your hair will start to fall out.. Your heart will give.. Eventually, not eating/anorexia will kill you.. That's what happens..

You need to see a psychologist, or talk to someone about this.. This isn't something to play around with.. This is your life..Health Question & Answer

Without food your body will shut down and you will faint.. Then after that you will die.. Not eating will kill you.. I am sorry you feel that you can not eat but you have to no matter what the little voice in your head says.. Health Question & Answer

If you continue like this you will be dead.. Or permanently harm your body so that when things get good you will hate your old silly self..Health Question & Answer

You might get very sick if you dont eat.. I think you should try to eat something to help you feel better..Health Question & Answer

your body will shut down and you'll faint, chance of dying too..Health Question & Answer

EAT girl EAT!

there is no reason to starve yourselfHealth Question & Answer

You must take notice of the comments you have already received.. Everyone is telling you the same thing - you will make yourself very ill for a long period of time and if you don't start eating properly you will die..
Your body is a very cleverly designed machine: it knows exactly what it needs to keep itself (and you) working efficiently, just a like a car that needs petrol to keep the engine going, your body needs food to provide the muscles with energy to keep you going.. Your heart is also a muscle, and without the proper nutrients that you can only get from a good balanced diet, it will eventually stop working..

The fact that you have even asked the question shows that you know already know the answer - you may be hoping that someone on here will give you an excuse to continue to starve yourself, but in reality you know that this is not what you need.. You know that you cannot do what you are doing without causing your body serious damage, and you will feel worse, not better, if you listen to the voice that is telling you to avoid eating..

You have a serious problem and you will not be able to deal with it on your own.. You don't say how old you are, but you must find somebody that you can trust well enough (a parent, a teacher, a close friend, your doctor) and tell them what is happening.. You need to get help, and get it quickly.. Starving yourself can become a habit that becomes very difficult to break and the more you do it, the worse your problem will become..

Don't ignore the early warning symptoms you are having.. Act now to help yourself.. See your GP as soon as you can and be honest about what is happening.. If you think that you won't be able to tell him or her verbally about how you feel, write it down before your appointment and let them read it.. Do not feel stupid or embarassed about it, you will not be the first patient who has approached them with this problem, and you won't be the last..

Get help, get well and use this negative experience to your advantage once you feel better about yourself and regain the self esteem that you have somehow lost.. You are worthy of health and happiness, but you are also the key to achieving this..Health Question & Answer

What will happen.?

In the next couple of days you should start to show a marked decrease in energy and reaction speed.. Your thinking might be slow, you'll likely feel lethargic..

This is your body in 'starvation mode..' Energy levels drop as your body starts to cannibalise fatty tissues to keep your vital organs supplied with energy..

Your brain is about 60% fat - fat is what coats your nerves.. It's called the myelin sheath and this fatty 'jacket' assists in succesfully carrying eletrical impulses by insulating your nerves.. In the advanced stages of starvation this sheath starts to break down.. This can cause all sorts of effects, it's basically EXTREMELY harmful..

In the longer term, you're gonna get undernourished and suffer malnutrition.. When your body is done with fatty tissues, it'll move onto muscle.. You're also going to develop a habit that is very hard to break..

You have between 2 and 4 weeks living on your fat reserves, depending on your weight.. You could slip into a coma after 2-3, in which your body pulls all the stops to keep your brain alive..

I would change your psychiatrist because they dont sound like they're helping you.. It may not be as simple as 'sorting your life out..' You require specialist help for an eating disorder, not a job, not a 'life..'

I would also seek out a GP's help again, make sure they understand fully that you aren't eating and that you're experiencing this 'voice..' It could be a paranoia problem, or an auditory hallucination, but either way you need HELP to get it sorted out..

Try (if you can) to eat something, even if it's only a few regular mouthfuls each day for now.. Maybe just your favourite foods.? Any increase in your intake will be good..

Drink lots of water - 8 glasses a day.. It wont hurt you to drink lots, and it'll keep your organs ticking over..

All the best......

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