What's the best way to combat laziness?!

Question: What's the best way to combat laziness.?
Exercise, make a timetable and stick to it.. Reward yourself when you do follow it.. Dedicate yourself to worthwhile causes such as a charity/volunteer work, something you are passionate about.. Start something new, such as a new sport or hobby..Health Question & Answer

1.. Rule out and take care of psychological or medical issues that might be contributing to low energy or avoidance: depression, anxiety, pain, poor health..

2.. Make sure you get enough rest, good nutrition and exercise so that you have the energy and mood to be motivated and get things done..

3.. Review the things you're being lazy about or are procrastinating on.. Is there maybe a good reason you're avoiding them that you're not dealing with.? Are you unhappy with your job or career choice (think about switching).? Do you really hate your exercise program (find one you like).? Are you committing to things you don't want to do just because you're afraid to say no.? Are you creating a lot of tasks for yourself that you don't really want or need to do.? (Reading Moby Dick)..

4.. Are you worrying too much about the things you want to do.? Procrastinators are often worriers who exhaust themselves and their motivation by ruminating too much, and build up a sense of dread and fear about the tasks they need to do.. Remember, if you're worrying, you're not doing, and it's possible (even easier) to do things without worrying about them at all and while thinking about pleasant things..

5.. Distraction can actually *help* with motivation.. Put on your ipod and listen to a podcast or music to get yourself moving.. You'd be amazed at how much easier it is to do tedious or laborious tasks when you're mind is engaged with something that interests you.. (This is how I clean the house)..

6.. The hardest part of getting going is that first push to get yourself off the couch and get moving.. Just think of it as the hump you have to get over, where you have to focus some brute will, and after that, everything else will be easier.. Inertia doesn't just mean that objects at rest stay at rest.. It also means that objects in motion stay in motion..

7.. Limit t..v.. or internet to certain times.. If checking your email invariably leads to 3 hours of web surfing, then don't let it be an excuse.. Don't check your email except during specific times of the day..

8.. Practice self-discipline in small ways.. Some researchers think that willpower is like a muscle.. It can become tired out and exhausted throughout a day (it's harder to be disciplined at the end of the day, than at the beginning).. But it's capacity also can be built up over time.. The more you get in the habit of being disciplined, the easier it will be.. Start with small things at first that you do regularly (correcting your posture, organizing your desk a little)..

9.. Beating yourself up about your laziness isn't likely to make you less lazy.. Seeing yourself as a lazy slob saps motivation and self-confidence and makes you less likely to become responsible.. Try to focus on the things you are more disciplined at and learn to identify with those parts of yourself.. Ask yourself why you're good about doing those things - what's different in those situations - and how you can apply that to situations where you're not so responsible.. If you think of yourself as disciplined, you're more likely to behave in a disciplined way..

10.. Structure your day, set deadlines, and create routines.. Some people who are very "lazy" in unstructured environments or left to their own devices are workaholics in structured ones, where there are lots of deadlines and immediate consequences.. The best defense against procrastination is having a routine where you always exercise at the same hour, or *always* do a given task on a given day of the week.. These habits eventually become ingrained and are done more automatically and with less struggle as time goes by..

11.. Anything worth doing is worth doing badly.. If the idea that you have to do things perfectly or incredibly well is preventing you from doing it at all, then you're better off lowering your standards and getting *something* done, rather than nothing.. Health Question & Answer

get off your backside, look at whats got to be done and do it and once you really start you will see more of what needs to be done, and at the end of the day you can look back at your efforts with a huge amount of satisfaction.. If you finish doing things for yourself go and help friends, they'll love you for the help you have given, stay on the flow, you'll sleep better..
LaineHealth Question & Answer

Get up and start moving even when you don't feel like it, make yourself start doing things.. Start out with one activity at a time and gradually work yourself up to more each day..
Eventually you will start to feel better and want to get up and do more..
Being productive and accomplishing things can be very rewarding..
Only you have the power to change your habits..

Health Question & Answer

divorce them! really, I think its to take vitamins and to get into to things that motivate the person who is lazy.. or find ways to make the work fun.. hate to do the dishes.? try listening to music and dancing while doing them......hate to vacuum.? try vacuuming in circles or squares.. hate to clean your room.? how about getting boxes or baskets and shooting the dirty laundry and stuff to be sorted in those boxes and play your music while doing it..Health Question & Answer

Try and stop eating fast food!! lol

That helped me!!!!!!!
McDonald's is addictive hahaha : )

Laziness is a tough thing to break!! Try reading or walking to the park with the dog.. Just try going out more doing things you enjoy!

Trust me, it helps........ BIGTIME!Health Question & Answer

Overcoming procrastination - by Windy Dryden

Beating the comfort trap - by Windy DrydenHealth Question & Answer

Disengaging the a$$ from the sofa is always first on my anti-lazy agenda..Health Question & Answer

sports..........................some much to choose from laziness wont be an issue!!
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