Self harm- I sort of want to see a doctor?!

Question: Self harm- I sort of want to see a doctor.?
I sort of want to see a doctor to see if they can help me stop in any way, because I'm going away to university in a years time and I don't want to meet new people and immediately be asked about my long sleeves and cuts......

Anyway my problems are-
1.. My mum thinks I don't need to go to a doctor.. I don't think I need to either but I just want to check on the off chance they can help me...... Should I tell my mum if I go.? What shall I say to her.? (I'm 17 so I can go to the doctor and everything alone)
2.. Should I tell my friends.? Or ask them to come to wait in the waiting room for support.? They know about the cutting and want me to see a doctor......
3.. What do I say to a doctor.? How would I bring it up.? What would I ask for.?

Please any advice would be great!Health Question & Answer

I think you should see a doctor..
A year ago I went into A&E and spoke to the psychiatrist on site.. It actually helped, eventhough I didn't think so in the short term.. I eventually got sent to an adoloscent ward for three weeks, and I was given loads of advice on how to stop cutting.. I admit, I've done it again since, but whenever I have the urge, I know exactly what to do (hold ice cubes, draw on myself with red pen, do some of my hobbies)..

I don't mean to scare you or anything, you probably wont have to go to any wards (I was also sent there for psychotic symptoms) but I really think you should see a doctor- believe it or not, they do help, and it'll make you feel better.. If you still feel aprehensive, maybe you should go with some friends for moral support, or your mum..

Health Question & Answer

You need to see a professional ASAP.. and if your mom won't take you then you need to talk to your school psychologist or family doctor.. You don't have to be depressed to want to cut.. Humans are complex..

The sooner you get help, the sooner you will be on the right track.. The longer you wait the harder it will be..

PS the cutting is not the PROBLEM...... its only a SYMPTOM of deeper issuesHealth Question & Answer

You should see a doctor and speak to a close relative or friend who is understanding..

jonHealth Question & Answer

You would be better off seeing a cognitive behaviour therapist (CBT therapist) or hypnotherapist who can help you identify what is causing the self harm and helping you to stop it.. It's usually a long wait for this type of treatment on the NHS but there are plenty of private practitioners around.. If it is just a habit as you say then it should be fairly easy to change.. There's a link below to some of the resources that I recommend for self harm and also a podcast that might give your mother a bit more understanding about your situation..Health Question & Answer

Self mutilation is a head thing, and not the specialty of the family doctor..

You need to see the head doctor.. I would recommend the psychiatrist, not the psychologist..

Your mom may be in denial about your condition, or may have economic reasons for having the position she has.. If she has an EAP program at work, this could be a starting point for treatment that has no costs..

This condition can be treated.. You have to get to the doctor come hook or crook.. I would recommend not telling your friends at first.. It always amazes me, how friends can understand and know that you self mutilate, but not understand that you are seeing a head doctor..

If you have a special friend, deeper than just talking about what is going on in school, you can decide to tell them.. You know if you can or not.. Don't public broadcast, because that can lead to other stresses and problems that can make treatment more difficult..

As far as how to bring it up to doctor........ it's very easy.. This is their profession.. Roll up your sleeve, show them the marks, and tell them,,,,"I need some help with this.." You will have to answer questions about how the marks got there, so they know you are not being abused,,,,, it's as simple as "I do this to myself.." If they ask "WHY",,,, tell them the truth.. "I don't know, but I can't help it, and I want some help to figure it out so I can stop.."

You have passed the largest hurdle already.. You have accepted that you have problem, and that you need help to overcome it.. It's such a great sign that you have come this point, before you have a raging infection from Mersa, Staph, or any of the other stuff growing in the universities..

Congratulations,,,, and work on the doctor.. Health Question & Answer

like a doctor doctor.? lol.. go see a psychiatrist or psychologist if you want, but in my experience they just slap some stupid label on you that makes everything worse in the long run.. if you really want to overcome it, then look inside yourself and you will have to work through the feelings and buried emotions that cause you to self harm.. they cant give you a medication or just "fix" you, its a process.. and you have to completely desperately want to stop or else you will just keep doing it.. if you have a really bad cut or something and need antibiotics because its infected or something go to a physician, but otherwise i don't think they will do anything except refer you to a psychiatrist/therapist.. if you haven't really completely decided that you are absolutely sick of it, and u just want to change to avoid awkward social situations, i dont think going to see anyone will help and it will be a waste of your time and their time and your money.. if you do decide to go see a therapist and you are afraid take a friend but theyre very nice, doctors and therapists and whatever and im sure you would be fine on your own, and you wouldnt be taking them in with you so...... i guess thats just your preference.. tell your mom if you want her to help you with it, if you dont want help i dont think you need to tell her, its just whatever you want to do, what feels right to you

or you could...... just cut where no one can see.? hah.. just kidding :)))) that creates more problems!!Health Question & Answer

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