Self harm and university?!

Question: Self harm and university.?
I know it's early to be worrying about it but anyway..
I'm 17 and I have one year of school left and then I'll be going away to university.. I'll be moving out of my family home..

Anyway, I do cut myself and have on/off for 3 1/2 years so it's not something easy to stop......

I don't want it to become a problem...... and I'm worried the whole change of moving out and being responsible, meeting new people etc.. might make it worse...... I also don't want to meet new people and them immediately find out and judge me on that aspect of me......

So my question is should I ask a doctor about it now before it becomes a problem or is it just a waste.?
I don't have depression and I've never been abused..
Can they do anything before it becomes a problem or should I wait.?

also, my mum doesn't think I need to see a doctor- I'm old enough to go alone and I live in the UK so I don't need to pay but should I tell her if I do go.?Health Question & Answer

I am 17 too and I am a recovering self harmer.. I now the feeling you feel of going off to a college and thinking it will get worse.. I have the same fear.. Even though I haven't cut for almost a year I still feel like since I can do want ever I want when I leave the house I will start again..
I want to tell you that you are not alone in this I'm going though it and many other people..

I also want to tell you that even though you haven't been abused or had any trauma in your life you still have a under line issue that you need to fix.. There is something that is making you feel like you want to cut and until you figure that out you are never going to stop cutting.. That is where a therapist comes in.. It's not that you are crazy or anything.. They are just there to help you figure want is going on inside of you that make you want to cut..

Medication isn't going to solve your problems.. It's not a quick fix.. Medication is for if you have anxiety or bipolar or PTSD or something like that.. That's why you need to go see a therapist.. I'm not saying not to go see a doctor but I just want you to know that it's not going to be here is some medication and you are fixed.. I hope this helps.. Feel free to email me.. I would love to hear how you are doing..Health Question & Answer

alot of things are just habits, not indicative of psychosis or other disorders, so you are right that you probably don't have depression.. but is it safe to say you might have some anxiety.? or fears.? talk therapy can't hurt, just dig alittle and do mini interviews on psychologists before making the decision on which one to see..Health Question & Answer

It's entirely your decision whether or not to go to a doctor.. If you're not depressed then your best bet is counselling.. See your local branch of MIND for free counselling, or perhaps your current school or college offers it.. Your university probably will..

Counselling helps you learn to deal with problems in other ways..Health Question & Answer

visit your GP, they'll be able to refer you to a counselling service run by the NHS.. I always worry about people I meet judging my scars and thinking Im a freak- but you'll be surprised at how many people, don't actually say anything and the ones who do, generally are really supportive.. Be honest with people and be yourself- its the best way to be! Health Question & Answer

you have an addiction to cutting, im 24 and have went to therapy for an addiction problem not a self harmer issue, it sounds strang but it works, you need specific help directly to addiction recovery, i havent cut in 9 months but started at age 12 and no one could ever help me but when i focused on my me being addicted to cuting myself it was more effective then people trying to figure out my emotional problems, give it a try..Health Question & Answer

If you want to see a doctor then it's up to you, not your mum.. Legally, you're not required to tell her that you're going either.. Health Question & Answer

Find something to occupy yourself with when you feel the need to harm yourself.. Don't let your mind control you this way, you obviously want to get rid of your habit but you can't because you're diving into the hole that makes you do it! It's all in your head you control what you do next and if you really want something done then you will do whatever it takes to accomplish what you want.. No doctor is going to help you realize what you need to do, they will just prescribe you something and probably even diagnose you with something.. Make your last year of high school the best one because it's your last one.. Enjoy all of your friends, take advantage of every single day and make memories of your last year.. Do everything you always wanted to do in high school and make it a memorable year.. After this year you are going to be attending a new atmosphere.. College is a place you go to make all your future plans come true, for your career to shine through.. Don't let self harm interfere with the life you want..

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