What disorders are these exactly?!

Question: What disorders are these exactly.?
I was wondering if I have some disorders..

I have intrusive thoughts uncontrollably..
I hate the fact on contamination..
I'm afraid of catching a disease by touching a door handle..
I do things repetitively..
I count things..
I'm afraid of certain things such as heights,being alone,..........
I'm pull my hair..
I pick the skin off of my lip..
I afraid of germs ad diseases..Mostly illnesses..
I'm afraid that someone is after me sometimes..
I get scared easily..
I pick scabs..
I broke my mom's glass table because she was out and we were talking on the phone and she hung up on me while I was trying to tell her that I wanted a milkshake..
I get really mad easily..
I get butterflies in my stomach for no reason..
I pray for every little bad thought that I have in my head..
I like being alone..
I am really sensitive..
I am sometimes really depressed over nothing..
I get depressed over thins that haven't even happened yet..
I cry over things that haven't happened yet..
When I take a bath,I continually keep washing my skin..
I also keep putting soap on the pouffe again and again..
I have certain numbers that I don't like..
I believe in bad and good numbers as well as good and bad letters..
I used to cut myself..
I count how many words I put in a sentance,I count how many times I've did something..
I also get stressed too..
I also put myself down a lot..
I think that I am fat even though everyone else says that I am skinny..
I get mad over stupid things sometimes..
I can't stop thinking bad thoughts..
I also stay up really late or used to a week ago..
Some nights,I wouldn't even go to sleep..
I got my schedule back on track but during the summer,I stay up at least until 5:00 a..m or all night..Around those times..
What I mean is that I like being alone at which means that I like to stay to myself but I don't like being at home alone or anything..

What is all of this.?

I am really smart though..

I'm not making this up!You guys are being mean..I really do this stuff..I'm not sure why..But I need to know if I should see someone about it..

I'm being very serious here!This is not a joke or else I wouldn't have posted it..No rude answers..Please answer my question with respect and honesty..Thank you!

I guess do want OCD or something because it makes me different but I feel like I'm crazy for doing all of these things which makes me feel bad and stuff..I really do this stuff..

I look up this stuff on the internet and say "I should do this because I want a disorder.."But it's not just that,I find myself doing these things uncounsciously..So I really do think that these are more than wants..I think that they are disorders..I find myself doing these things even when I don't want to..I don't want to be crazy though and that's how I feel..At first,I looked the disorders up on the internet and started doing these things so that i could have a disorder..But now it's way more serious,I have bad thoughts when I don't want to,I pull my hair when I don't want to..Is this what I deserve for wanting it in the first place.?Al of this stuff is quite torturing now..Is this what I deserve.?I feel so bad now..

I repetitively do things because I there's a certain number of times that I do stuff..I can't stop having bad thoughts..I pull my hair even when I know that I shouldn't and even when I don't want to..I used to couldn't fall asleep even when I was sleepy..I don't know how to stop all of the depression..

So not only did I want this stuff when I looked it up on the internet,I actually developed it..How.?I don't know..But I'm not making this up,I actually do this stuff because at first I looked it up on the internet and started doing the stuff so that I could have a disorder but now I do this stuff without even wanting to..But should I see a doctor.?Health Question & Answer

It is possible to get the disorder because you want it.. It's called psychosomatic, and the dictionary definition of it is:

1.. of or pertaining to a physical disorder that is caused by or notably influenced by emotional factors..

You definitely DO need to seek some help.. I'm assuming you're a teenager, and the teen years are difficult enough without adding to the troubles yourself..

I have a mild case of OCD, and trust me when I say you don't want it.. It's not fun, and it takes up so much of your life.. It takes up time, it takes up thought, it takes effort, it messes with your head.. You don't need anything else messing with your head, because it sounds like you've got enough to deal with already..

The cutting, the hair pulling - everything points to the fact that you really do need to seek some help.. If you can't talk to your parent(s), speak with another trusted adult - do whatever you need to do to get some help and get your life back on track..

The world can be a lovely place, and you're too young to throw your life away already.. Good luck to you..Health Question & Answer

best thing to do is go and see a doctor.. Only they will be able to give you a professional diagnosis, and refer you on for further treatment..Health Question & Answer

I concur with MYSELF you should see a doctor and ask them about your symptoms..Health Question & Answer

There may be nothing wrong with you.. As you say, you learnt it!
And what you can learn, you can also unlearn..
Please contact a NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Practitioner near you.. He/ She will be able to help you..


PS: Reading good books can also help: Try "7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Steven Covey"..Health Question & Answer


The first thing I notice, is that this totally sounds like Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.. And the other things...... honestly, it almost sounds like you might have a minor case of Schizoprenia, which would help explain your hypochondriac and paranoid tendencies..

Honestly, you really should see a doctor..Health Question & Answer

I know exactly how you feel..

I started doing the same thing, looking up symptoms on disorders and acting on them so i could get attention.. Basically your looking for a way to get attention.. I'm being a little hypocritical here, but trust me this Isn't the kind of attention that you want..

You want someone to notice you and give you attention without you having to beg for it.. It'll work, but you'll probably end up in therapy, maybe hospitalized just for attention.. Do you really want that.? I don't want you to hurt yourself trying to get attention.. I think you should talk to someone, maybe family, friends, school counselor..

My hotmail is chupacobra101@hotmail..com if you want to talk.. :]

Good luck..Health Question & Answer

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