Could this be depression? ?!

Question: Could this be depression.? .?
I have had a couple really stressful years.. I dropped a program in college last year and started another which is leading me on a (5 year) path towards my dream career - but the path itself seems extremely long, stressful, and expensive.. Its sparked a constant (and exhausting) inner debate with myself to take the lower job (something I would still love doing, but with horrible pay) with less school.. The thought of being in school for so long and the steps I have to take to get to the career are very overwhelming.. I feel like I'm on a rotating hampster wheel, trying to make a decision and get somewhere, all the while spending outrageous amounts of money on school and not getting anyway.. also, this year I have recently moved back into res and have felt a little out of place.. Last year I loved going to parties and hanging out with my friends....this year....I'd rather just stay in and watch tv.. The same goes with just hanging out with my friends....I just have no interest hanging out with them and when I do, I feel just dull and boring, nothing interesting to say.. I am engaged and my wedding has also been pushed back until my fiance can find a job again (hes graduated but isnt working right now), and that financial stress and the fact that we have to wait so long to get married is also weighing on me, causing me to feel just really worn down.. We have recently found out that my dog has tumors and is slowly going to die over the next year, and the thought that he wont be around is really upsetting (we've had him for 11 years).. There just seems to be so many things weighing on my shoulders right now and it is hard to deal with.. Could this be depression and should I talk to my doctor about it.? I dont want to go into the doctors with a sob story and ask for medication if it really is just nothing.. Thanks guys..Health Question & Answer


It could be depression.. I would suggest going on the internet and searching for the Beck Depression Inventory.. Its a patient questionnaire which you have to answer basing your answers on the last 2 weeks..

If not, got and see your GP.. That is what they are there for.. There is no shame in having depression.. It is an illness just like any physical illness.. Approximately 1 in 4 people will suffer from it at some point in their lives..

Good luck..Health Question & Answer

It very well could be depression..
See your doctor and show him your post.. You explained your situation well..Health Question & Answer

this is called stress and a pill wont help too much with that but if you have medical insurance go talk to a counselor it cant hurt so I would take the lower job and keep working on the goal you set for yourself and why not get married at the justice of the piece or just get married by a preacher with just a small amount of family there there is just no reason why you cant get married my wedding was a justice of the peace it cost twenty five dollars with my family there and its been almost twenty five years later so my dear write down whats bothering you on a piece of paper and talk to the partner in your life and there are jobs out there and maybe they dont pay as much but it would bring in money.. I hope everything works out for both of you sometimes we just need to ventHealth Question & Answer

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