Why does my mind think of things I don't want it to?!

Question: Why does my mind think of things I don't want it to.?
Hi, I am so frustrated with my brain at the moment..

It constantly thinks of thoughts I dont want to experience, like my family dying etc..

Like, i'll be getting something from the fridge, and if i dont touch the cupboard before the door closes then I think that something bad is going to happen to me..

And like, when im shopping and i have to pick between two different things, i imagine its like a "test" and that if i pick the wrong one then something bad could happen..

Its driving me insane and I cant concentrate at school or work, help..

What do I have.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?Health Question & Answer

You are definately in need of some antidepressants! When your seratonin is low (that is a happy little neurotransmitter in our brains) this kind of weird thinking can occur- very common in people with obsessive thoughts.. It is good that you are recognizing that this is happening to you and you seem to want help.. My advice is to go see a doctor and tell them about it.. This type of thinking originates from feeling like you have a lack of control in your life.. You can't control the fact that your family could die from a car accident, but you can control the fact that you want to "touch the cupboard before the door closes", so this is how you are trying to gain this feeling of control.. Does this make sense.? The best thing you could do before you see a doctor is to try your hardest not to suppress those feelings that you are having.. They will only get louder if you try to ignore them.. Learn to say "its okay to have this thought" and even laugh at the ridiculousness of those thoughts.. You are not going crazy- and you are definately not alone!!! I have had all these feelings myself and am over it now.. You too will get over it in time.. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

Sounds like OCD, especially the "Like, i'll be getting something from the fridge, and if i don't touch the cupboard before the door closes then I think that something bad is going to happen to me.."

If when you don't touch it you feel like your having an anxiety attack, like this is something you have to do every time, you probably have OCD, so go and get it checked out..Health Question & Answer

It sounds like you might have O..C..D, although don't take my word for it as I'm not a Doctor.. O..C..D (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) is a mental disorder that causes the sufferer to obsess about things.. Everyone has quirks and thoughts that they are slightly obsessional about but if it's at the stage where your life is being disrupted then you need to seek help, I would recommend booking an appointment with your Doctor and telling them everything that you've written here.. Plus anything else that you think could be related..Health Question & Answer

Yes, it;s OCD

I've experienced thoughts just popping out of my head, making me guilty

And if I don't do this, something bad will happen......

You should try to think of how your thoughts may not happen:
Think about ur family, their healthy, right.? So why would they die.?Health Question & Answer

OH MY GOD! OCD.. just like me.. its a different kind of OCD that only 8% of the people with OCD its VERY rare.... its horrible.. i use to be the SAME EXACT WAY when i was younger, now i just have normal OCD, if you work on overcoming it, it will go away..Health Question & Answer

You have a number of habitual thoughts that you keep replaying again in your mind.. You can change your habitual thoughts by replacing them with the opposite thought and you will probably feel much happier..Health Question & Answer

I don't know, but i have it to.. It's a little disturbing, but I've learned to make a game out of it.. I know that sounds stupid and imature, but it works for me..Health Question & Answer

it kinda sounds lik ocdHealth Question & Answer

might be ocd.?Health Question & Answer

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